Winton Park, Eccles - Sunday 12th July 2015 08:00 - 08:30 hrs.
Mistle Thrush x 10 Nuthatch Goldfinch Dunnock Blackbirds Carrion Crow Juvenile Robin Magpies Starling Carrion Crow with white wings - has anybody seen anything similar - just unusual pigmentation?
Heavy rain during dog walk - so left binoculars at home and did naked eye watch (still good though!!!)
Lesser Black Backed Gulls x 2 Black Headed Gull x 1 Goldfinch x 2 Dunnock Robin Magpies Blackbirds Mistle Thrush x 2 House Sparrows Starlings x 50 (with many juveniles)
Great Spotted Woodpecker Swift x 20 Mistle Thrush Song Thrush Blue Tit Great Tit Starlings Blackbirds Magpies Carrion Crows Dunnock Woodpigeon Feral Pigeon House Sparrow Goldfinch Jackdaw Black Headed Gull Mallard
Spoke to another dog-walker (with 'Marley') who said he spotted male Blackcap last week.
-- Edited by Steve Judge on Sunday 10th of May 2015 03:31:52 PM
Winton Park and environs. Saturday, 25th April 2015.
2 x Grey Wagtail (on Worsley Brook) - 1st time seen on local patch!!! Song Thrush Mistle Thrush Pied Wagtail (on Bowling Green) Great Tit Blue Tit Chaffinch Dunnock Wren Blackbird Robin Mallard (half way up tree next to brook - surveying the landscape!!!) Goldfinch Collared Dove Woodpigeon Feral Pigeon House Sparrow Starlings Magpie Carrion Crow Black Headed Gull Canada Geese
Winton Park. Saturday 11th April 2015 08:10 - 08:45 hrs. Overnight rain just coming to an end...
Fairly quiet in terms of bird life.
Mistle Thrush x 1 Pied Wagtail x 1 Great Tit x 2 Robin x 3 Blue Tit Woodpigeon Goldfinch x 2 Magpies Starlings x 3 Blackbirds x 4 Dunnock x 1 Feral Pigeon
Winton Park and environs. Saturday, 4th April 2015: 08:15 - 08:45 hrs.
DRY WEATHER AT LAST and forecast for rest of weekend - make most of it!!!
Great Spotted Woodpecker x 1 Pied Wagtail x 2 (on Bowling Green - first seen for a while on my local patch) House Sparrow x 4 Collared Dove x 1 Starlings x lots Blue Tits x lots Great Tits Dunnock Robin Goldfinch Blackbirds x lots Magpie Woodpigeon Feral Pigeon
Winton Park, Eccles (and environs). Saturday, 7th March 2015 08:15 - 08:45 hrs. Morning dog walk with 'Woody'.
Nuthatch (first one seen here for a while - in trees between Bowling Green and Worsley Brook) Dunnock Great Tit Blue Tit Chaffinch Blackbirds Robin Mistle Thrush Magpies x 10 Carrion Crow Black Headed Gulls x 40 (in rugby field between brook and M60) Woodpigeon Mallard x 3 (flying over) Cormorant x 1 (flying over) Feral Pigeon Goldfinch Starlings House Sparrow
Winton Park, Eccles and environs. Saturday 28th February 2015 08:30 - 09:00 hrs. Dog walk with 'Woody'.
Redwing x 40 House Sparrow (Great to see them again!!!) Grey Heron Goldfinch Chaffinch Dunnock Great Tit Blue Tit Blackbirds Magpies Woodpigeon Carrion Crow Long Tailed tits Robin Feral Pigeon Black Headed Gull Starlings
Winton Park, Eccles. Sunday 22nd February 2015 08:10 - 08:40 hrs.
Redwing x 30 (field between Park and School) Sparrowhawk (overhead - made smaller birds do vanishing act) Greenfinch x 1 (only see occasionally) Goldfinch (resident charm) Long Tailed Tits Starlings x 15 (field between Park and School) Grey Heron Mallards (Worsley Brook) Dunnock Mistle Thrush x 2 Great Tit Blue Tit Robin Blackbirds x 10 Magpie x 15 Carrion Crow Woodpigeon Feral Pigeon Black Headed Gull
-- Edited by Steve Judge on Sunday 22nd of February 2015 02:45:26 PM
Winton Park, Eccles and environs. Saturday 21st February 2015. 08:10 - 08:40 and 13:00 - 14:00 hrs.
Kingfisher (fantastic first sighting in my local patch - flying south along Worsley Brook outside Park). House Sparrow Dunnock Long Tailed Tit Robin Blackbird Goldfinch Chaffinch Mistle Thrush Blue Tit Great Tit Magpies Black Headed Gulls Carrion Crow Starling Woodpigeon Feral Pigeon
Winton Park, Eccles. Sunday 15th February 2015 08:10 - 08:40 hrs. Sunny crisp morning with snowdrops and crocuses in bloom!!!
Redwing 70 + in field between park and school Great Spotted Woodpecker x 2 Greenfinch x 1 Mistle Thrush x 3 Goldfinch x 10 Blackbirds x 10 Chaffinch Blue Tit Great Tit Robin Cormorant x 2 overhead Black-headed Gull overhead Woodpigeon Feral Pigeon Magpie x 7 Carrion Crow Dunnock
-- Edited by Ian McKerchar on Sunday 15th of February 2015 09:01:56 AM
Winton Park, Eccles and environs. Saturday 14th February 2015 08:15 - 08:45 hrs.
Mistle Thrush x 4 (on Bowling Green) Charm of Goldfinch (x 10) on path next to Bowling Green Grey Heron Dunnock x 4 Wren x 3 Grey Heron Black Headed Gulls x 30 (on Rugby field south of park) Herring Gulls x 7 overhead Magpies x 10 Carrion Crow Robin x 4 Blue Tit x 7 Great Tit x 3 Blackbirds x 10 Starlings x 15 Woodpigeon Feral Pigeon
Winton Park, Eccles: Sunday, 8th February 2015: 08:15 - 08:45 hrs.
1 Nuthatch (great to see - as not seen for a while). Redwing x 2 Mistle Thrush x 3 Blackbird x 10 Dunnock x 2 Blue Tit x 5 Chaffinch x 1 Great Tit x 1 Robin x 3 Magpie x 7 Carrion Crow x 2 Woodpigeon Feral Pigeon Black Headed Gulls
I have been involved with the path project and on each of past 3 site visits have seen Kingfisher - Friday it was South of railway coming out of tunnel, saw 6 people in hi viz and flew north over the embankment!d
Winton Park and environs. Sunday, 1st February 2015. 08:10 - 09:00 hrs.
Greenfinch x 1 (first one seen in Park for long time) Redwing x 10 Blue Tit x 4 Great Tit x 2 Chaffinch x 4 Robin Carrion Crow Woodpigeon Starlings x 20 Black Headed Gull x 40 Goldfinch x 10 Dunnock Magpie x 7 Blackbirds x 10
There is a good deal of work taking place just outside Park (towards M60 side) with new path being built by side of brook. Does anybody know who is doing the work, scope/length of path and estimated completion date? When completed this should be great place to walk with reported sightings of Kingfisher.
Winton Park, Eccles. Saturday 31st January 2015. 08:10 - 08:40 hrs.
Redwing x 11 Chaffinch x 3 Robin Blue Tit Great Tit x 3 Blackbird x 10 Magpie x 7 Woodpigeon Carrion Crow Black Headed Gulls x 40 (rugby field south of park) Feral Pigeon
Redwing x 20 Mistle Thrush x 1 Wren x 1 Dunnock x 1 Long Tailed Tits x 10 Goldfinch x 1 Blue Tits x 5 Great Tit x 1 Blackbirds x 8 Magpies x 10 Woodpigeon x 8 Chaffinch x 1 Robin x 3
-- Edited by Steve Judge on Saturday 24th of January 2015 08:56:14 AM
Nuthatch (first one seen for a while) Wren Goldfinch Dunnock Long-Tailed Tits Blackbirds Blue Tits Great Tits Magpie Woodpigeon Feral Pigeon Carrion Crow
great views of kingfisher this morning, first immediately south of the park, flying north, then an hour later at the Folly Brook confluence, flying south
Dunnock x 2 Wren x 1 Goldfinch x 1 (could not see resident flock) Robin x 3 Carrion Crow x 1 Great Tit x 3 Blue Tit x 3 Blackbird x 4 Woodpigeon x lots (overhead) Magpie x 4
Saturday, 31st May 2014 08:00 - 08:30 hrs. Lovely walk in the sunshine. I wish all mornings were like this!
Blue Tit feeding juvenile Blackbird (2M and 2F) and one juvenile Dunnock Great Tit Chaffinch Magpie Woodpigeon Feral Pigeon House Sparrow x 4 Mistle Thrush x 3 Starling x lots Long Tailed Tit Black Headed Gull x 4 and Lesser Black Backed Gull in field between park and school Green Veined White butterfly
Saturday, 24th May 2014 08:00 - 09:00 hrs. Winton Park (Eccles) and surrounds
Robin (and 1 juvenile) Starlings feeding lots of young on bowling green Goldfinch Swift Dunnock Woodpigeon Chaffinch Magpie Blue Tit Blackbird House Sparrow