M60 near J2 Cheadle 4.05pm, a Buzzard sat on motorway lamp post doing the best impersonation of an Osprey I've ever seen. It appeared to have an all white breast and face with a dark eye stripe, definitely a Buzzard, no mistaking the shape. Anybody else see this bird at all?
Tim, I was brought off Brookfield Road and lived there for >20 years and never saw one there in those days. Was it at the bottom end of Brookfield Road?
Shows how things have improved in 40 years. Good to see you today.
Do you ever get one of those moments? I was working in Cheadle today and as I walked across a bridge over the stream in Brookfields Park I thought to myself 'This is a classic location for a......KINGFISHER!!'
Tracked it down the stream for another couple of quick views. Cheered me up amid the snow flurries.