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Post Info TOPIC: Potential Destruction of Spen Moor at Elton Reservoir

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Potential Destruction of Spen Moor at Elton Reservoir

Just thought I would update.

Peel Holding Limited propose to build 191 houses on two small fields.This will swamp half of Spen Moor SBI and arguable could lead to further development on the north of Elton Reservoir dramatically reducing the area and increasing pressure.

Planning still at first stage. Local objectors held a meeting that was well attended and a 3000+ signiture petition was handed in earlier.

Campaign has its own Video, figurehead 'Norman Newt' and active face book page that has more info on.


Please add a like if you visit

Bury MBC Planning pages has application 55003 where the various reports can be read and more importantly where objections can be lodged at the bottom of the page


Please take time to lodge an objection if you agree with brief reason

-- Edited by Ian Boote on Saturday 7th of July 2012 09:57:10 PM


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It has been saddening to read on this thread of the proposed development of Spen Moor at Elton Reservoir and of the potential loss of any worthy wildlife habitat to building development. Good luck to all the locals fighting their corner.

However, it is incidents like this that brings sharply into focus why Ian has recently started a sub-forum on his website entitled "Greater Manchester Needs Your Bird Sightings". This new forum explains exactly why the Greater Manchester Bird Recording Group (GMBRG) needs to hold comprehensive records of where our birds are in GM and what they are doing there - i.e. wintering, breeding etc. When incidents like Spen Moor arise, it's only by putting hard facts and figures together that we can begin to put a case together to defend our birds and the areas that they occupy. I did wonder when I first read the earlier posts on this thread whether the area on which it is proposed to be build upon, is actually species poor as has been stated by the developer or was it a case of just being a "record poor" area? Steve Atkins has subsequently answered that question - with only 4 records of birds directly assigned to Spen Moor on the GMBRG database over the last 12 years. I would guess that there are more birds using this area than our records would show! Additionally, if I can use an example from an earlier post to make a point - Ian Boote mentions the presence of Curlew(s) on site and assuming that this isn't one of the 4 species recorded there, then if we did have any records for what is an Amber Listed species on the Birds of Conservation Concern listing, (which indeed may soon be on the Red List?) then this might substantially strengthen the argument against development.

I fully appreciate that hindsight is a wonderful thing and none of the above helps in the current controversy over Spen Moor but it does highlight the need for us all to make sure that we do a lot more with our valuable bird sightings and for us to put ourselves in a better position when similar situations arise elsewhere in future, .........which they undoubtedly will do! If we haven't already done so, please have another look at the various ways in which Ian has suggested your records can be submitted to the GMBRG and please seriously consider what you can do to lend a hand. Every single record will help.

Remember - Greater Manchester Needs Your Bird Sightings!

Many thanks,



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Ian Boote wrote:

If others could spend an hour before the deadline to do some birdwatching in the area to independently confirm todays sightings. That would be useful and then submit them to Bury MBC.


I appreciate that you care deeply about this site and that your comments are well intentioned. However, whilst objections should be sent to Bury Council who are responsible for planning matters in the borough, wildlife records should not be.

Any bird records from the area should be submitted to the GM Bird Recording Group (GMBRG) preferably on the Excel form which can be downloaded from Manchester Birding (Bird Recording and County Rarities section). If you don't have Excel, other formats, or hand written records are acceptable. There is a site in the GMBRG database, Higher Spen Moor Elton SD780094, so please use this when completing the Excel form. There is also a Site of Biological Importance, Ponds at Spen Moor SBI and a map of the boundary is available for anyone who is interested in supplying records from within the SBI.

What may come as a shock is that since 2000 only 4 records have been received by GMBRG from Lower and Higher Spen Moor. Presumably any submitted have just been lumped against Elton Resr. So, if anyone can help fill in the gaps with records from the past 5 years, then please do so.

Please submit records for flora and other wildlife to the GM Local Record Centre (GMLRC) via their website
The online system RODIS is probably the easiest option and there is a You Tube video accessible via HELP showing you how to get started. If you need any further help then email info@gmwildlife.org.uk
Alternatively you can download the GMLRC Excel file. I would recommend not using the basic form as all the details for each record have to be entered manually.

GMLRC collects records on behalf of the GM Ecology Unit (GMEU). It is GMEU that selects Sites of Biological Importance on ecological grounds and these are then usually adopted by the local authority for planning purposes. There is close cooperation between GMBRG and GMEU, so any bird records submitted will be made available to the Ecology Unit who provides advice to the 10 GM boroughs on the potential ecological impacts of planning applications.


The Watergrove Skyline (January 2010) - before desecration.

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It important that the petition is signed to get debate at Bury MBC and if you are on face book put liked on the page. This is flying under the Radar and will really detrimentally affect the Res. Two paths come direct from this area to the north of the Res and would greatly increase pressure on the Res and its wildlife.

If you read the ecological report by peel it is flawed both in its use of evidence and refusal to look at the areas impact on the greater area. Planning regulation have been changed to mean that you have to give reasons why something should not be built rather than why it should.

Peel holdings are prepared to spend money on wildlife 'enhancements' and these are strong arguments as they stand against any objection. I have a varierty of records bird and invertebrate from Buckly Fold Site to use against their wildlife charm offenisve.

If others could spend an hour before the deadline to do some birdwatching in the area to independently confirm todays sightings. That would be useful and then submit them to Bury MBC.


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Comments from Ian Peters:

Although this issue has been on and off for over thirty years, it would not pay to be complacent. Bury Metropolitan Borough Council will be looking at the potential to gather 191 more council taxes and the farm land is underused so it has a high chance of going through. Even though the present proposal approaches the reservoir no nearer than the old railway line, there is nothing to stop further development/encroachment once the access has been built. In addition, there will be inevitable increased pressure on the environment from activities such as off-road biking, illegal shooting and illegal fishing. The surrounding farmland has been degraded as a result of various incidents in recent years and more than one farmer who is only using the land as a token gesture so it is more than possible that Peel Holdings will eye up further options should this one go through.

You can explore various sources of further information by joining the Facebook group at:

Emailing the petition address at:

Contacting Bury MBC planing:

The planning application reference is: 55003

There is only until 24th April 2012 to make comments etc.https://www.facebook.com/SaveSpenMoor

-- Edited by Ian McKerchar on Sunday 22nd of April 2012 03:18:53 PM


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RE: House Building Elton Area

Ian Boote wrote:

I agree bottle traps for newts makes sense apart that most of these were suspended mid air.

No one on their death bed ever said they wished they'd spent more time at work. http://bitsnbirds.blogspot.co.uk

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I agree bottle traps for newts makes sense apart that most of these were suspended mid air.


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Unfortunately the new planning reforms put in place by the government puts wildlife and biodiversity pretty far down the list of importance.

Bottle traps would be for great created newts, they wouldn't be used for inverts.

-- Edited by Craig Higson on Saturday 21st of April 2012 09:39:24 PM

No one on their death bed ever said they wished they'd spent more time at work. http://bitsnbirds.blogspot.co.uk

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Posts: 1351
Potential Destruction of Spen Moor at Elton Reservoir

Just got wind that Peel Holding are going trying to build 191 houses around spenmoor Farm north of the Railway on a greenfield site. Neighbours are up in arms. The application has some worthwhile reports found here


The developers make the point that the area is species poor and declining. Great Crested Newts once common are extinct in the propsed building area. If the planning is not granted,they report, the decline will become unstoppable. They say few birds are in the area and the development will do little to the birdlife. They are willing to improve the area with a number of ponds and enhanced areas for wildlife and they have a point.

The same company tried to build here in 2003 and the area was more species rich then. They promised to reinstate and make similar new ponds then as the area was in decline wildlife wise. They were refused permission to build but the decline of species continued. This could include the loss of Bogbean s surprise reported plant here.

However some of the details in the reports are in error. It reports Curlews were not present in the surrounding area. I saw one in the last two weeks. They seem to be doing further surveys. I saw 12 bottle traps in a pond today. What they were for is unclear. Seen from the bank a number were just wafting in the breeze on a bamboo cane so it is unclear how good the fingings will be.

In the recent years past surveys on Barrack Fold lodge produced nothing remarkable. Then when under threat of development local campaigners did their own much mor thorough survey that showed wildlife abounded and no development occurred.

I can't see how this will enhance anything and I back the objectors. Elton is slowly being built on. Alpha Hospital, Crematorium, Hydro Electric Station all remove bits of farmland even though these all have also built ponds hedges etc that are fullof wildlife.

So if you want to lodge an objection to the errors in the reports or the plan as a whole or just read some of the interesting reports visit the above site at Bury MBC.

-- Edited by Ian Boote on Sunday 22nd of April 2012 12:42:01 AM

-- Edited by Ian McKerchar on Sunday 22nd of April 2012 03:16:57 PM

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