Hi all Happy new year to you all,,, my spotting in and around my house on Evesham road, 1st Jan 2011, time from 11am-2.15pm: 2 tree sparrows, 12/15 house sparrows, 1 coal tit, 1 magpie, 1 blackbird(with a crossed bill) 2 feral pigeons, 2 collard doves, 10/15 starlings, 6 rooks, 1 wren, 10/14 carrion crows, 2 robins, one with a red head down front and back, 6 blue tits, 1 Dunnock, Why only one's? it sits on the fence and watches other birds on feeders but won't go on to it, it's self? sits for 4/6mins then drops onto a tray on the ground, picks up one seed then flies to cover!!!!