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Post Info TOPIC: Warrington town centre and environs

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RE: Warrington town centre and environs

North Appleton - garden list since lockdown. First Song Thrush for many years yesterday and then this morning three Curlew directly flew over NNW-SE taking the post March 2000 list for the Garden to a nice round half century.


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Four Waxwing, Whitefield Road (Bargain Booze End) in Stockton Heath at 2:50 pm.


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North Appleton Tawny Owls tei-twoing each other near Red Lane Allotments at 10pm last night. Today 17 Ring-necked Parakeets hassling one of the Owls in daytime.


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3-4pm had a look around for the Waxwing in the usual spots around Tesco, Kemmac Distribution (sketchy poss Yellow Legged Gull on roof), Battersby Lane and all other environs for Waxwing and only turned up 33 Starlings in a tree at Osnath works by Tesco, plus on the traffic light / street light at the A49 / Tesco Extra junction a male Peregrine. I'll take that as a year tick for my efforts!


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33 Waxwing Battersby Lane Warrington  at 2pm yesterday. 



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170 Pink Footed Geese SW over Tesco Extra Warrington at 8.30 

This morning 



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Yesterday, as I was tarting to cook lunch wife asks me why I'm transfixed on the kitchen window........"I'm counting that Skien of Pink-footed Geese flying SE over Moore Nature Reserve"...................."Get looking at the Goose in the Oven and worry about birds on Boxing Day.......". Oooops!


Now its Boxing Day, 464 SE over Moore / Lower Walton at ~10:45am in three loose Skeins almost converging as one.

-- Edited by Andy Slee on Tuesday 26th of December 2023 08:50:06 PM

-- Edited by Andy Slee on Tuesday 26th of December 2023 09:13:14 PM


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Short-eared Owl at Paddington Meadows recentley....I do pass this spot on the river every couple of weeks with the rowers, not yet seen myself but will be keeping an eye out





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28 - 32 Waxwing at Forshaw Street / Battersby Lane, Warrington at times through the day. Calling nicely this afternoon when I had time to stop and watch as opposed to views from traffic queues to date this year. Around 3pm a second flock of 20 or so flew in twice from the direction of Winwick Road circling the trees the other group is roosting in before returning that direction (flocks have been seen near Tesco). A group of eight Starlings flew by the second time the mobile flock appeared to give a nice flight comparison.


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2 waxwing marsh house lane car park Warrington at 9.50 as they went to leave at 10am   unfortunately 1 was taken by sparrowhawk , the other flew back towards battersby lane .



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2 Waxwing seemingly roosted at Battersby Lane and present until 09.20 when they flew off strong east . none present when I called in at 12.30 on my way home from the patch.record sjot of them below 

-- Edited by JOHN TYMON on Wednesday 13th of December 2023 03:27:52 PM



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2,300 Corvids West over North Appleton towards the Capped Tip at Moore ~15:50 - 16:15, majority (JUST) Carrion Crow, most the remainder Jackdaw - always interesting to watch the Jackdaw flocks flying faster and through the Carrion Crow flocks, two Ravens and 15 Magpies in the same direction during the period. A small roost of Rooks appears to be forming near Red Lane Allotments by the canal.

The previous years Gull flightpath in a similar direction for an evening roost doesn't seem to be happening this year, used to be able to watch both flightlines from the same places (North Appleton, Moore, Lower Walton).


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270 Pink Footed Geese heading West at 1300 over our house central Warrington 



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Fri 8th Dec

Delivering on Orford Lane near the Wolves Stadium early afternoon when I saw the report of c30 Waxwings in trees opposite Tesco. I made my way round there but they were all Starlings.
Thats not to say there was some just before I got there?

I checked Battersby Lane round the corner (incidentally where they were a few years ago too) but no sign.

-- Edited by Rob Creek on Friday 8th of December 2023 08:43:42 PM

-- Edited by Rob Creek on Friday 8th of December 2023 08:44:25 PM

-- Edited by Rob Creek on Friday 8th of December 2023 08:45:10 PM

-- Edited by Rob Creek on Friday 8th of December 2023 08:45:31 PM

-- Edited by Rob Creek on Friday 8th of December 2023 08:46:00 PM


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Yesterday 06.12.2023

2 Nuthatch in the grounds of the town hall bank park,

8 Redwing feeding on Berries in Palmyra Square by the parr hall looks a good area to check for Waxwing if your in town .



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2 Waxwings in car park at junction of marsh house lane and marsh lane mid afternoon but no sign of any at battersby lane where one was seen late morning


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No sign of any waxwings this afternoon apparently


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at least 9 Waxwing earlier and at least 8 still present at Battersby Lane at 13.00 when I left. 

-- Edited by JOHN TYMON on Friday 1st of December 2023 01:10:59 PM

Went for a look a few days ago before the influx and looks like plenty of berries there. Hopefully we'll get a decent flock over the next few days


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at least 9 Waxwing earlier and at least 8 still present at Battersby Lane at 13.00 when I left. 

-- Edited by JOHN TYMON on Friday 1st of December 2023 01:10:59 PM



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3 Waxwing still present at 3.30pm at Battersby Lane, at times they flew away for quite a while but came back . Getting mixed in with the Starling at times . 

-- Edited by JOHN TYMON on Thursday 30th of November 2023 03:57:16 PM



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3 waxwing battersby lane warrington flighty



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Reports this morning of 11 waxwing heading towards the town centre from Woolston, anyone in the area check near Sainsbury's,Milner street and battersby lane they are the likely sights.



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Adult Yellow legged gull  on the stonemill pub chimney with a Herring Gull just Winwick road, both flew east at 8am



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Dean Clark wrote:

Which end John ? Im quite local to there ( by the king and queen )

 Back Forshaw street is their favoured place were the 3 big trees are ,they have been regular there over the years 



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Which end John ? Im quite local to there ( by the king and queen )


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I have been checking the usual Waxwing sites in Warrington for Waxwing, none found so far but not a great lot of Berries at Milner street as most ofthe trees at vw have been removed ,but Battersby Lane heaving with Berries so anyone passing just have a quick look as im expecting them hopefully any day now ,but need more eyes when im working later in the week . 



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A nice Male Sparrowhawk just in our garden in central Warrington near to Bank Park.




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The last two dusks (15:30 - 15:50) with the cloudy weather 1450-1600 Corvids west over North Appleton then following the Ship Canal to roost, presumably from where they seem to descend over on the Capped Tip area at Moore. Quite a racket. 60% Carrion Crow, remainder mostly Jackdaw but at least one Raven observed following the main flocks.


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14 Magpies in the poplers at the back of our house near bank park Warrington yesterday and a few fieldfare and redwing in the same trees 



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Garden 1st, six redwing on the Cotoneasters as I opened the front door this morning, North Appleton. Seen before in flight over the garden, but never 'in' the garden.


Titmouse movement as noted below on 28th Sept, suspect a roosting Tawny Owl has been in that location, hence they were harassing it though no sound/sign recent nights as the tree looses its leaves.


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Peregrine hunting pigeons over Tesco Extra Warrington 8am this morning 



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Grey Wagtail in our garden this morning in central Warrington near to Bank Park.



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Chiffchaff singing on the Railway line edge by bank park on the way to work yesterday 



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35 Redwing west over our garden near to bank park Warrington this morning 8am



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Pink footed Geese - 450 in 5 skeins flying south


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12 Song Thrush in Bank Park on the way into work this morning, probably migrants



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62 + 43 Pink Footed Geese SW over North Appleton this morning.

15 Ring-necked Parakeets along the Bridgewater Canal between Appleton and Stockton Heath.

Great spotted Woodpecker overflew garden at 12:10 from NE to SW.

-- Edited by Ian McKerchar on Thursday 5th of October 2023 06:44:52 AM


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900 - 1,000 Starling massing on the overhead Electricity skypipes on Gainsborough road between Morrisons and Chester road around 6:30 p.m.

Used to get great mumurations at Moore in the early 2010-3 period when the old Runcorn Bridge refurbishment displaced many towards Warrington.

Don't know where these birds are going, not seen anything other than small (00s) roosts at Moore since 2021, no murmurations for a decade.

-- Edited by Andy Slee on Sunday 1st of October 2023 10:17:07 PM


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Grey Wagtail in the garden central Warrington this morning 2 weeks earlier than previous years. 



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North Appleton near the Bridgewater; gazing out my window during a meeting, 89 tits past in 3 minutes, mostly Blue, ~15 Great, four Long-tailed and one Coal tit, all flying into the tree at the end of our drive. Which somewhat disturbed the local Ring-necked Parakeet roosting in it and he hightailed it off over towards Stockton Heath. 


Beats the previous best flock I've recorded described below on 14th August.

-- Edited by Andy Slee on Thursday 28th of September 2023 03:49:36 PM


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30 Swallow just over Tesco Extra central Warrington  going South looks a perfect day for big bird movements . 



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Tawny Owls calling / shrieking near Red Lane Allotments in Appleton.


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Seven Ring-necked Parakeets resplendent in the autumnal morning sun along the Bridgewater Canal in Stockton Heath this morning, seem to be roosting around here most nights now.


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Wife mentioned two small skeins Pink-footed Geese 'wink-winking' over heading SE at around 14:12 and 14:45. (Heading over North Appleton SE).


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Late morning 7 Pink-footed Geese over worksite in East Warrington, heading East. Workmates looking madly at me as I pointed at them and tried to explain a "sign of autumn" as we were working outside sweating our proverbials off in a number of layers of PPE in 28C heat!

Four Redwing as I drove through Birchwood Park on the way home.

Quick visit to Moore and there were still two Chiffchaff singing away at the Eastern Reedbed.

At home four Ring-necked Parakeets on the neighbours Orchard in North Appleton.

Seasons are definitely mixed up.



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8 House Martin South over garden central Warrington just



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North Appleton. After the rain stopped the best flock I have ever had of tits and passerines moved through the trees in my garden. I must have missed a few as I was working away and then only when I sensed many more birds at one time than usual (five or six in view is a good count) did I start watching in earnest.

In total 17 Blue Tit - nine Juv; four Coal Tit, three Juv; 11 Long-tailed Tit, eight Juv; Treecreeper (1st garden bird since Christmas Day 2019); three Goldcrest; two Chiffchaff; four Great Tit.

Popping out to see anything else was about three Ring-necked Parakeets were in next door Orchard and five Swift flew over. Dunnock calling from the hedge and Starlings gathering on the wires.

-- Edited by Andy Slee on Monday 14th of August 2023 06:36:29 PM


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2 p.m. just before the weather front came through a few small groups (5-7) of Swifts were over the general area of the Bridgewater Canal in North Appleton, probably 60 or so in total in 10 minutes, most circling and climbing until a Hobby (viewed from kitchen window = house / garden tick) heading SW/W scattered the remaining few. Seen very few Hobby this year......the cold wet weather not been great for their food sources?


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Apols, first post I put said North Appleton, forgot to repeat it.


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Andy Slee wrote:

Thirteen Ring-necked Parakeets now in the tree outside my bedroom window inc 4 Juvs. Seem to be feeding in the neighbours Orchard in the evening.

 Were in Warrington it's a big town?

-- Edited by JOHN TYMON on Monday 10th of July 2023 07:27:06 AM



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