Tufted Ducks have bred successfully on Alexandra Park Lakes - two brief counts suggested up to four females with broods of seven, four, two and one (might need a proper count for exact numbers), also 1 Swift
Mancunian Birder https://mancunianbirder.wordpress.com Visit my YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCtWoAs4geYL9An0l6w_XgIg
Coot with 2 chicks. Sparrowhawk Chiffchaff, Whitethroat, Blackcap, Willow Warbler, Blackbird, Song Thrush, Robin all in song Great Spotted Woodpecker Wren Long-tailed Tit Goldfinch
Singing Grasshopper Warbler Snipe Clough in the juncus marsh near the pond just south of Alexandra Park, also 1 singing Whitethroat, 10 singing Willow Warblers and 5 singing Chiffchaffs
Mancunian Birder https://mancunianbirder.wordpress.com Visit my YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCtWoAs4geYL9An0l6w_XgIg
Took my walk this way today as a change from Werneth Park. Fishing lake 3/4 frozen, 'duckpond'2/3rds. Reasonably busy but managable, although more people were arriving as I left.
Grey Heron sharing a tree on the duck pond islands with the most adventurous of 8 Moorhens. 2 of the 3 Coot were on the 'duck pond' as well, as were the majority of the C200 Black-headed Gulls. Mixed in were 8 Common Gulls, 3 Herring Gulls (1x3rd Winter and 2x1st Winter) and 1 adult Lesser Black-backed Gull.
100+ Canada Geese on the fishing lake, with the majority of c50 Mallard and 14 Tufted Duck.
Also 2 Mute Swans. Elsewhere 1 Mistle Thrush in song, 1 Blackbird and several each of Blue Tits, Great Tits and Robins in the shrubbery
-- Edited by Mike Chorley on Sunday 10th of January 2021 11:10:32 AM
-- Edited by Mike Chorley on Sunday 10th of January 2021 11:11:07 AM
Not exactly Alexandra Park, but was being driven along Oldham Way on the way back from Dovestones when I saw a flock of two of Feral Pigeons scattering from the Spindles shopping centre. I suspected that there might be a Peregine might be around, when a sizeable female (somewhat bigger than the pigeons it was chasing) flashed over Oldham way in pursuit.
Another visit to Snipe Clough, where the effects of this dry weather are clear from the fact that the small pool has dried out in just under a week. At least 4 Chiffchaff singing, 2 Willow Warblers, 8 Blackcap (one doing Robin and Yellowhammer) including a pair in what looked like a courtship chase, which sounded like it might have been successful , plus Jay, Blackbird, genuine Robins, Wrens, and Song Thrush. On the way back I saw male Bullfinch, adding to the sightings list of Magpie, Jackdaw, Wood Pigeon, Dunnock, Goldfinch and Collared Dove.
I popped in to Alexandra Park as well and noted 2 Adult and one juvenile Grey Heron around the lakes along with uncounted Mallard, Tufted Duck and Canada Goose, with a few Black-headed Gulls. One of the Mallard had around 6 ducklings in tow.
One Peacock butterfly and a couple of Large Whites seen around Snipe Clough.
-- Edited by Mike Chorley on Tuesday 2nd of June 2020 10:22:26 PM
-- Edited by Mike Chorley on Tuesday 2nd of June 2020 10:24:13 PM
Walked over to Snipe Clough - adjacent to the park - last night to check for Grasshopper Warbler. None heard and a walk round the area suggests that the habitat has dried out quite a bit since I last visited, which would explain why there was no sound of any on what would have been a perfect night. Other species seen Bullfinch 1M Magpie Carrion Crow Wood Pigeon Blackbird Jackdaw Starling and heard Wren Robin Song Thrush Blackcap Chiffchaff Blue Tit Willow Warbler Jay
nearby 3 Swift over the trees to the north of the Clough, bringing my total for my evening walk to 11
Recent highlights on-site, drake Goosander (Feb 28th), 2 Mute Swans (Feb 24th), a maximum of 20 Tufted Ducks (Feb 27th) and 27 Redwings also on Feb 27th in trees around the tennis courts
Mancunian Birder https://mancunianbirder.wordpress.com Visit my YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCtWoAs4geYL9An0l6w_XgIg
'Duck Pond' Tufted Duck 6M 2F Mallard 2M 1F Coot 3 inc nesting pair Moorhen nesting pair Black-headed Gull 2 - adult and juvenile Herring Gull 6 -of various sub-adult ages Lesser Black-backed Gull C.60 of various ages up to adult Canada Goose - lots!
Boating/Fishing Lake Tufted Duck 7M 6F Mallard 3M 2F Canada Goose 6 including 1 pair keeping a watchful eye on 5 quite small goslings in the presence of Grey Heron 2 (who have three well-grown but unfledged young of their own)
4 Swifts, in two pairs were over the park
Blackcap. Chiffchaff, Song Thrush, Blackbird, Robin and 2 Wrens were all singing around Donnelly's Hollow
5 Swift & 1 singing Chiffchaff Snipe Clough just south-east of the park Singing Blackcaps & Willow Warblers Donnelly's Hollow 2 Herring Gulls on the duck pond islands with 20 Lesser Black-backed Gulls 10 Tufted Ducks
Mancunian Birder https://mancunianbirder.wordpress.com Visit my YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCtWoAs4geYL9An0l6w_XgIg
Drake Goosander present on the top lake (aka the duck pond) 11:50am also 35 Tufted Ducks, plus singing Goldcrest around the boardwalk area adjacent to the Boathouse Cafe
Mancunian Birder https://mancunianbirder.wordpress.com Visit my YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCtWoAs4geYL9An0l6w_XgIg
No sign of any Waxwings today, but 29 found briefly nearby in Hathershaw at Schofield Street, then flew towards Copster Park.
Large numbers of Canada Goose and Black-headed Gull, smaller numbers of Mallard and Tufted Duck. Robin, Blackbird, Mistle Thrush, Magpie, Carrion Crow, Chaffinch, Wood Pigeon also noted.
It was great to see a female Tufted Duck with 4 small ducklings, although this is a little disappointing after the 3 broods noted here in 2010 and 2 in 2011. Also present was a Little Grebe, plus 2 Grey Heron. The Canada Geese went uncounted but contained only 2 goslings and I couldn't see any young Moorhen, Coot or Mallard on a quick scan.
A Whitethroat and a Willow Warbler in a small hawthorn tree by the bowling green were unexpected records. A female type Blackcap was in another part of the park. A Great Spotted Woodpecker flying over calling was unusual and 2 Nuthatch traded calls. 4+ Coal Tit, including 3 independent juveniles, were seen near a male Goldcrest. A Pied Wagtail was on the bowling green and fledged Woodpigeon, Robin, Dunnock and Wren were seen/heard. Fledged Greenfinch were also heard and a male was seen apparently collecting dock seeds, possibly for its young? A Song Thrush was still singing and a few Blackbirds took advantage of the good weather to get in a bit of sunbathing. Some juvenile Blue and Great Tits were on the large feeder near the park offices.
There appeared to be a "fun run" on in the park, although not too many of the runners appeared to be laughing or smiling. One man was running along gamely with an ironing board tucked under one arm and holding an iron in the other hand. I just wish I'd brought along a few of my shirts that need ironing!