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Post Info TOPIC: Cheshire River Mersey Sites (north of the river)

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RE: Cheshire River Mersey Sites

8.00pm-ish 15.05
Cuckoo heard calling tonight. Very distant. First one I've heard here in 3 years, I think.
Good no's of various warblers, esp Whitethroat.No Grasshopper W's heard tho'


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Hi John, HWH is the abbreviation for Halfway House which was the name given to the derelict bungalow on the track between the Mersey and the ship canal about 30 metres east of Wigg Island. When we refer to HWH now we mean the general area east of the bungalow but in particular Owens Wood where for some years myself and other patchers have regularly watched the river, fiddlers and Norton Marsh. Over the years we have had some good stuff there, it was a bit quiet this morning, I would normally expect to get a few waders on the mudflats but there were several Wheatears in the area and a male Whinchat.


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Gatewarth :
8.00/9.00pm 6/5

No Grasshopper Warblers reeling tonight.

Plenty of Whitethroat.

At least 2 Reed Warblers singing in canal reeds. One showing well.

Meadow Pipit singing.

Nice Fox on marsh. Seemed to be eating grass.

Mike : excuse my ignorance where or what is "HWH" ?


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Lesser Whitethroat singing and showing quite well in Hawthorns on the track leading to HWH today also 2 male and 1 female Wheatear on the opposite bank of the ship canal. 1 male wheatear on Norton Marsh showing characteristics of the Greenland race.
Male Whinchat in the eastern section of Upper Moss-side on the 3rd


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A Wheatear was on the log ten yards or so from the path along the shoreline from the Pumping Station between 10 and 11am today.
An immature Iceland Gull was still hanging about on Richmond Bank with about 500 other gulls (mostly Lesser Black - backs).
Also a few Reed Warblers were showing well in the canal reeds near the level crossing.
Sadly, no Grasshopper Warbler for me yet but as per previous post Wiilow Warblers, Whitethroats, Blackcaps and Chiffcaffs etc. were in good voice and showing well too.


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8.00/9.00pm "Wall of sound" produced by four (poss five) Grasshopper Warblers reeling incessently from reedbeds and bramble bushes in field sloping down to Ferry Pub. One showing relatively well in reeds.
3 Whitethroats seen.
Sedge Warblers singing.
Willow Warblers noticeably numerous.


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Six Common Whitethroat singing from the tops of bushes etc. today and also a single Swallow through.


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8.30 2 Grasshopper Warblers reeling tonight.

At least one Whitethroat singing.


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Gatewarth 7.45pm Yesterday evening

1 Grasshopper Warbler reeling in reedy scrub in sloping field running down to Fiddler's Ferry Pub. Very elusive but I did manage to glimpse it too as it flew deeper into reeds.

2 Short Eared Owls showing nicely on opposite side of River. Pretty close at times as they hunted over fields and reedy ditches and also right alongside River. Perching up on posts occassionally but mostly flying. Looked like they were scrapping mid -air at one point but guess this could have been some kind of display?

Pair of Grey Partridge flushed from same area Grasshopper Warbler was in.


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The highlight this afternoon was a Ringed Plover on Richmond Bank.

Otherwise fairly quiet with Willow Warbler, Chiffchaff, Blackcap, Skylark, Dunnock all singing plus Linnet and Greenfinch over. A male Kestrel was seen chasing another over the river and a Buzzard hunted across the area.
Pairs of Shelduck, Gadwall, Canada Goose and Mallard with two Cormorants also on the river.
Less than 100 Gulls present, mostly Black-headed and Lesser Black-backed on Richmond Bank.


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Very wet this morning.

Willow Warblers singing from all over reserve. Definately arrived en masse.


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At least 4 Willow Warbler plus 3 Chiffchaff and a Blackcap singing this afternoon.
Skylark, Linnet, Chaffinch, Goldfinch, Greenfinch, Blackbird and Robin all in good voice too.
The resident Kestrel was hunting over the area and a Common Buzzard circled over the east side pools.
A pair of Coot with 4 tiny young was observed in the canal as I was leaving.


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Pickerings Pasture
Single Little Egret from Hide, out on marsh feeding in channels then flew v close to pool right in front of Hide.

Not much sign of Spring migrants, 2 Chiffchaff singing in trees by meadows.

-- Edited by Ian McKerchar on Sunday 8th of April 2012 07:27:36 AM


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2 Ruddy shelduck on pools in fields opposite hale marsh. 1 was dark necked and dark headed so a hybrid of some sort the other 1 looked fine for a ruddy but in all likelihood both escapes , also a pair of Gadwall with many teal.


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A Willow Warbler was singing in the sunshine this morning. My first of the year.
Also, at least three Chiffchaff heard with Song Thrush, Dunnock, Reed Bunting and Robin.

-- Edited by Brian Baird on Thursday 5th of April 2012 05:01:05 PM


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Gatewarth :
Cold and damp today, feeling very Wintery.

Gull numbers up on the River,1000 s present in flighty flocks. One Iceland Gull in the crowd, seen well, close in, just before Richmond Bank.

18 Linnets in trees by railway line was biggest flock I've seen here for months.


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Chiffchaff showing well in willows by Wind Pump this afternoon, singing. My first this year. Another was singing near entrance to reserve/canal towpath. Kestrel hunting.

Lots of Butterflies on the wing in sunny conditions. Mostly Peacocks but also Commas and two mating Small Tortoiseshell.

-- Edited by Ian McKerchar on Saturday 24th of March 2012 08:24:38 PM


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2 Chiffchaff singing today, with Song Thrush, Blackbird, Robin, Dunnock, Reed Bunting and Linnets also in song, but only a single Skylark heard.
The pair of Oystercatchers were still on the south side river mud and a pair of Grey Partridge were flew over the path in front of me.


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Very quiet here after the high tide this afternoon. Highlights were -
1 Kestrel - female
1 Buzzard
3 Oystercatchers
1 Cormorant
1 Grey Heron
2 Long-tailed tit
2 Canada Goose
2 Coot
2 Mallard
plus Song Thrush,Blackbird,Dunnock and Robin singing.


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Fiddler's Ferry - Gatewarth

5.00-5.45 pm Great views of 3 Short Eared Owls hunting on both sides of the River. Ranged quite widely, including drifting high-ish over farm fields towards Moore, but mostly concentrated on reedbeds and ditches opposite the steep track up to Gatewarth. Perching up on fences, posts and dead tree over water. Often v close.

Kestrel and Buzzard here too.

2 Stock Doves over. Skylark and several Reed Bunting singing.


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2 Oystercatchers on south bank mud. Also 1 Kestrel hunting and 4 Linnets in the bushes with at least 2 Dunnock (singing ), were the highlights this afternoon.

-- Edited by Brian Baird on Wednesday 29th of February 2012 07:41:52 PM


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Great Created Grebe flying upriver. At least one Curlew on Richmond Bank, several others over. Meadow Pipits. Redwings in ones and twos in hedges/bushes.

At least one Iceland Gull on Rich Bank. Thanks to the kindly soul who pointed out a Full Summer Med Gull close in, opposite steep slope past United Utilities Building.

-- Edited by John O'Neill on Sunday 26th of February 2012 09:20:24 PM


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2 Buzzards hunting together on far side of River, attracting protracted mobbing from various corvids.

Lt and Blue Tits in hedges.

Fox on muddy bank on River bend. Line of Magpies following the fox about.


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pair of Bullfinch in bushes on top of River bank.

1000s of gulls on River


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Farnwoth Rd Widnes, just before Penketh :

2.00am this morning, Barn Owl hunting right alongside road, diving into rough grasses.

Drifted off towards Fiddlers Ferry Power Station, which was immediately behind where the owl was hunting.

I've driven along this road thousands of times, occasionally seen Little Owls perched up on the poles but never seen a Barn Owl here before.


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3 Dunlin feeding on the mud before high tide today.


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A quick visit here late afternoon produced -
4 Redshank, 6 Grey Heron, 6 Teal, a pair of Mute Swans, 2 Cormorants (1 with white patch), 26 Canada Geese, 9 Shelduck, 10 Coot, 9 Gadwall, 4 Mallard, plus Buzzard hunting and a Song Thrush in full voice at dusk.



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Opposite Fiddler's Ferry
In the gloomy wet drizzle this morning from my watchpoint west of Norton Marsh I estimated 400+Lapwing with around 150 Golden Plover, 4 Redshank, 34 Canada Goose, 2 Buzzards plus 100+Black-headed and Lesser Black-backed etc.Gulls.


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28.12 8.45am

5 Grey Partidge flushed from rough path up from Ferry pub, flew over River to land in ploughed field on far side.

At least 1 Redwing with Blackbirds in hawthorn hedges...thrush numbers right down, berries and haws almost all gone.

3 Kestels.


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Short Eared Owl hunting far side of River, adjacent to Richmond Bank, diving into the high rough grass and occassionally perching on posts. 2.45pm

Kestrels also hunting.

Pair of Stock Doves.


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A Song Thrush was singing from his perch this morning and six Goldfinch were feeding in the hedges with Blackbirds and Blue Tits.
A Kestrel and Buzzard hunted and a pair of Gadwall were in the canal at Sankey Bridges.
A Little Grebe was diving in the river where two Cormorants and two Herons were fishing.


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Very wet this morning. Single Kestrel and Buzzard both present, looking rather wretched perched up on small trees. Blackbird flocks in hedges mixed with Reed Buntings Wrens and Tits.


Jay. Two Kestrels hunting along canal.


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A Kingfisher was fishing at the pool near the United Utilities building this morning (west end of reserve). Kestrel, Sparrowhawk and Buzzard were seen hunting and at least two Redwings were still present feeding with Blackbirds.


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Widnes Warth NR: Male Hen Harrier being mobbed by a Magpie (12:00hrs)


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A Short-eared Owl was seen hunting at dusk today and earlier a male Kestrel was spotted. A Great Crested Grebe was in the river to the east of Richmond Bank.

B. Baird


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Muddy and wet. One puddle in middle of path attractive to wide variety of birds (not sure why, plenty of others to choose from) and Dunnock, Wren, Chaffinch, Linnet,Reed Bunting,Greenfinch and (4) Meadow Pipit all bathing there.

Redwings feeding on many of the bushes and hedges, outnumbered by both Blackbirds and Song Thrush.

7 Mute Swans on canal inc 4 juvs.


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Blackbird numbers up in the hedges and bushes, many young birds. Several Redwing also present, one giving v close views .

Buzzard, Kestrel and Sparrowhawk all hunting.

Great Spotted Woodpecker and Jay heard.


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2 Gt. Spotted Woodpeckers were seen briefly on a fence post this afternoon whilst a Redwing with several Blackbirds fed on the hawthorn berries. A Common Buzzard perched on a small tree nearby overlooking the river.


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Invisible Migration

Redwings heard calling tonight over our house (Penketh) Couldn't be seen as totally dark, seemed to be small numbers at any one time but carried on for at least 30 minutes.


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On the mud west of Norton Marsh this morning
250 Golden plover
200 Lapwing
4 Grey Heron
4 Cormorant
1 Little Egret flew past heading down river


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Very quiet this afternoon,however the following birds were noted :
Cormorant 2
Grey Heron 3
House Sparrow 3
Long-tailed tit 6+
Great tit 2
Starling 2
Blackbird 5
Woodpigeon 20+

Also the usual mixed Gulls and Corvids on the Mersey mudbanks.
A Grey Wagtail was by the canal at Sankey Bridges and a family of eight Mute Swans including six well grown Juveniles was also seen here.

-- Edited by Brian Baird on Tuesday 4th of October 2011 08:19:05 PM


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Birds seen today in the bright sunshine included :
2 Kestrel
2 Chiffchaff
2 Grey Heron and
150+ Lapwing on the river mud


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Gatewarth :

Single Little Egret flying over River.
Two Grey Partridges . Two Buzzards and a Kestrel.


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A Little Egret dropped in to feed in the river for few minutes this afternoon on south side of Richmond Bank before flying off west. Almost lost to view at times behind the mixed hordes of gulls.
A Kestrel was seen twice and a Sparrowhawk flew from the trees along the St. Helens Canal path towards Sankey Bridges.


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Long flock of Long Tailed Tits in Hawthorn/Blackthorn/Dog Rose bushes and hedges mixed in with smaller nos of Blue and Great Tits and one or two Willow Warblers.


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55 Golden Plover with 500+ Lapwing, 4 Curlew, 5 Shelduck, 5 Cormorant and a Great Black-backed Gull on the mudflats west of Norton Marsh this morning.
Also noted were Mistle Thrushes, Jays and Chiffchaffs busily feeding in the bushes along the Manchester Ship Canal track en route to my watchpoint.


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Originally posted by Brian Baird today:


2 Chiffchaff, 3 Grey Partridge, Buzzard, Kestrel, Jay, Long-Tailed Tit flock, Goldfinch and House Sparrow noted this afternoon.


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Gatewarth 8.30AM

2 Sparrowhawks engaging in an aerial jousting match with a Kestrel . One of the hawks spotted hunting low over river bank a bit later, virtually stationary, trying to fly into strong wind.


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Male and female Ruff on the mudflats west of Norton Marsh early afternoon on Friday last. A scarce bird on the patch and only my third record in twenty one years. Also present 86 Curlew, a.l. 2000 Lapwing, 1 Redshank, 1 Green Sandpiper and Marsh Harrier.
six Little Egrets feeding below Fiddlers Ferry on 27/8, other August birds- Black-tailed Godwit, Arctic Tern and female Pintail.


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Gatewarth 5.00pm

Just inside reserve, past wooden bridge:
A big, very brown juv female Sparrowhawk was getting the treatment from local corvids..3 crows, 2 magpies and a raven were all mobbing the raptor. One of the crows was been particularly aggressive, dive bombing the hawk , which responded by slashing at the crow with its talons. Rather unfairly, the crows all ignored two Kestrels hunting the same ground.
A Buzzard on far side of River was been mobbed by crows and a few gulls, though.

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