Ian, do not try to read this cover to cover is does not work and takes 3 months, ( honest I have tried it )
Instead, read pick a bird you have seen that day or one that has been reported on the forum, and pick and choose, far more fun.
keep reading
Judith not to happy with the save yourself shelf space! you can never have enough bird books, anyone wanting to rehome or sell them just contact me have loads of wood to make new shelves.
Judith Thanks for the thought, got myself a copy of birds Britanica today, now just need to find the time to read it!! ps sorry about suggesting you as Mary
Just another plug for Bolton Central Library's excellent bird book collection. After Peregrine inspection at the Town Hall I called in and got: A natural history of ornithology (Peter Bircham, New Naturalist, 2007 - £25) First for Britain and Ireland 1600-1999 (Phil Palmer, Arlequin, 2000 - £25) Stonechats (Ewan Urquhart, Helm, 2002, £37) and an old favourite which I ought to buy: Bird Census Techniques (the late Colin Bibby) Academic Press, 1992
So save yourselves some money and shelf space!
And there were lending and reference copies of Birds Britannica on the shelf, Ian C!
Judith Smith
Lightshaw hall Flash is sacrosanct - NO paths please!