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38 Great Black-backed Gulls in the roost this evening, 35 adults and three second winter birds.


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A morning of high disturbance with ducks flying everywhere. Virtually no usable shore anywhere for waders due to water levels, swimmers and sailing club. One particular member of the sailing club seems determined to flush everything, constantly taking her canoe right into every nook and cranny and seemingly only happy when everything flies off. This is despite reassurances from the person in question and the sailing club that it will not happen again, it just doesn't seem to sink in. Oh well, despite the best efforts of people to disturb everything, I managed to see the following at this "National Nature Reserve" between 8:00 - 11:00;

Pochard 5 inc. 4 males

Wigeon 2 females / 1st winter off the remnants of the spit

Mandarin 1 female on what's left of Ramsdales scrape

Egyptian goose 1 adult at the sailing club

Teal 20 Ramsdales scrape


-- Edited by colin davies on Saturday 19th of October 2024 03:38:54 PM


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This morning's highlights:

5 Greylag Geese through east at first light

1 female/immature Wigeon flew straight through west at 08:31

3 Great White Egrets, one with a secondary missing on the left wing illustrating how much and how quickly they move around the flash

5 Little Egrets flew in from the west at 08:05 and dropped in

3 Sparrowhawks

1 Peregrine over SW at 08:06

3 Water Rails calling from Ramsdales Reedbed

1251 Woodpigeons S in 37 flocks from first light to c08:30

2 Skylarks down on the ruck

Still 9+ Meadow Pipits on the ruck

29+ Song Thrushes around Ramsdales Ruck, with 10+ in the reedbed by The Point

822 Redwings SW in 52 flocks, some still moving through as I was leaving at 9am

1 singing Willow Tit on the ruck

8 Bullfinches in a flock at the Western end



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The birds I just reported as black-necked grebes are being put out on the birding apps as Slavonian, which I must admit I thought they might be when I first saw them. In the photos, the right hand bird especially seems to have the head shape.

Please excuse the quality of the photos. I was battling with pouring rain, mist and soaked optics.

-- Edited by colin davies on Wednesday 16th of October 2024 05:14:31 PM


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This afternoon, 12:30 - 14:30 in pouring rain,

Great white egret 4 all in view at the same time from Green Lane. One in the western reedbed, two on the spit, one at the entrance to Ramsdales scrape.

Black-necked grebe 2 juvs at the western end.



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Highlights from this morning:

Female/immature Pintail with Wigeon flock

4 Wigeon, including two males

Drake Mandarin circled the ruck before flying off back towards the canal basin. Judging by the amount of Mallards flying around at that point too it would seem they'd all been disturbed off there.

2 Great White Egrets

4 Little Egrets

53 Snipe circled the ruck at 08:25 before flying off NW. There were a few Snipe visible on the mini spit earlier but it is unknown if this flock was disturbed off the Ramsdales area or came in from elsewhere

24 (all adult) Great Black-backed Gulls, with 14 down on the water and the rest flying over NE

22 Meadow Pipits down on the ruck

748 Redwings over east in 24 flocks up to 09:30 (record shot of one of the flocks attached)

1 Linnet NE over the ruck at 08:12


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This late afternoon/early evening, two Great White Egrets, 3 Little Egrets, female Mandarin and an adult Mediterranean Gull roosted.

Info thanks to Phil Rhodes


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Bittern flew out of Ramsdales reedbed and over the trees along the edge of the ruck at 13:35, before doubling back towards the same reedbed.


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This late afternoon/early evening:

3 female/immature Wigeon at the western end

Great White Egret fishing at the western end until dark

Common Sandpiper on the sailing club shore

A fairly remarkable (for here) three adult Yellow-legged Gulls in the roost (all present at the same time and photographed etc)

1180 Herring Gulls

443 lesser Black-backed Gulls

38 (all adult) Great Black-backed Gulls

2 Treecreepers together in shoreline bushes by Sorrow Cow Farm


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This morning's highlights:

2 Greylag Geese over east

Juvenile Garganey still on Ramsdales Scrape

Drake Pochard in Ramsdales

202 Tufted Ducks

2 Great White Egrets (one of which perched on the very top of the tallest tree by the lagoon on the eastern side of the ruck for some time)

2 Little Egrets

1 Chiffchaff on the ruck

5 Bullfinch in a flock feeding on western end of the ruck


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Friday 11th October 2024 11:00 - 14:00 hrs. Full circuit of Pennington Flash. Sightings included:

Great White Egret (2)
Little Egret (3)
Grey Heron (5)
Egyptian Goose (4)
Kestrel (1)
Willow Tit (2)
Bullfinch (2)
Nuthatch (1)
Coal Tit (1)
Reed Bunting (1)
Dunnock (3)
Goldfinch (15)
Shoveler (20)
Great Crested Grebe (7)
Little Grebe (4)
Oystercatcher (1)
Lapwing (1)
Cormorant (50 plus)
Jay (3)
Gadwall (12)


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This early morning:

11 Whooper Swans flew over east at 07:30 (very record shots attached!)

62 Pink-footed Geese east in 2 skeins from the Mersey flightpath, with 26 at 08:20 and 36 at 08:30

11 adult Great Black-backed Gulls on the spit

1098 Woodpigeons S/SE in 32 flocks from first light to 08:30

23 Skylarks, with two singles high north over the ruck quickly followed by a flock of 21 low north at 09:08

14+ Meadow Pipits down on the ruck

15 Redwings in four flocks, all dropped into trees on the top of the ruck and most of which were still present around 09:30

Cetti's Warbler alarm calling and showing well in shoreline bushes around The Point

9 Linnets in a single flock low south over the ruck at 08:20


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Juvenile Garganey still present on Ramsdales Scrape this late afternoon.

Also the adult Yellow-legged Gull roosted again.

Info thanks to Phil Rhodes


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This morning:

314 Tufted Ducks

1 Goosander flew through north 

2 Great White Egrets

1 Little Egret

36+ Snipe feeding on the spit, probably many more I couldn't see

6+ Chiffchaffs around Ramsdales Ruck

2 Redwings on the ruck


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This evening including the gull roost:

172 Tufted Ducks

2 Great White Egrets, with one at the Western end and one on the south shore by Sorrow Cow Farm simultaneously 

1+ Little Egret

2 Sparrowhawks

Adult Mediterranean Gull

First winter Caspian Gull roosted again

707 Herring Gulls

424 Lesser Black-backed Gulls

4 Redwings flew low east over Sorrow Cow Pond at dusk

Cetti's Warbler very active and vocal around Sorrow Cow Pond and the flash shoreline there

300+ Starlings swirling around the north side of Ramsdales Ruck towards dusk, seems to head of to Bickershaw to roost


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This evening:

Great White Egret fishing close to Sorrow Cow Farm, then flew across to the south shore of the ruck and then flew back across to the south shore of the flash, all within the space of 10 minutes!

Adult Yellow-legged Gull

First winter Caspian Gull (more photos and videos, taken at dusk, on the website)

36 Great Black-backed Gulls

1 Cetti's Warbler calling and briefly in song around the shore by Sorrow Cow Pond

1 Chiffchaff by Sorrow Cow Pond 


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2 Great White Egret this morning, 1 was on the Rucks at dawn and then flew over to the South side a 2nd bird flew in from the West just after 8am and landed on the South side where both them fed c.25 Metres apart. Other birds seen were at least 2 Little Egret, 8 Siskin south over in flocks of 5 and 3. 209+ Woodpigeon South, 29 Redwing in 4 flocks, the largest of 11 headed East the rest South. 8 Song Thrush west in 2 flocks, 11 Meadow Pipit south and at least 4 lingering on the Rucks. 2 Swallow south at 8.55 and 2 Greylag Geese West.


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This morning:

Great White Egret on the south shore of the flash just east of Sorrow Cow Farm at first light

2 Kestrels hunting over the ruck, as was a Sparrowhawk

1543 Woodpigeons moved SE in 51 flocks up to just after 8am when they abruptly stopped again

11+ Meadow Pipits down around the ruck

45 Redwings over in 10 small flocks, mainly east but some birds west and a few dropping in around the ruck

26 Song Thrushes around the ruck, with four dropping in high out of the sky from the north and another two heading directly over south


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This morning from first light, saw the first 'proper' visible migration watch of the season from Ramsdales Ruck up to just after 9am:

1006 Pink-footed Geese in five skeins all moving south of the flash heading east and coming from the direction of the Mersey; c60 at 07:55, 140 at 08:05, 310 at 08:20, 56 at 08:30, c440 at 08:41

407 Canada Geese, with 364 coming in from the east in a single flock at 08:47 and dropping down off the main car park, then a further 43 flew in from the NW at 09:15

2 female/immature Wigeon on the main flash

1 female/immature Pintail flew straight through NW at 09:15

1 redhead Goosander

1 immature drake Goldeneye (associating with the Goosander!)

1 Great White Egret flew south over the ruck, from the direction of Bickershaw, at 09:25 and dropped onto the south shore of the flash somewhere

2631 Woodpigeons SE in 74 flocks up to just after 08:30 when they abruptly all but stopped moving

41 Skylarks in a single flock once again flew in from the SW at 07:56 and low north over the ruck; a roosting/feeding area movement? A further 2 birds flew high west at 09:17

21 Pied Wagtails in a single flock flew south over the ruck at 07:52

79 Meadow Pipits flew over south in 20 small flocks

345 Redwings flew over mainly E/SE in 33 flocks, the largest of 33 (which was also the latest at around 09:30 just as I was making my way off)

27 Song Thrushes on the ruck, including four dropping high out of the sky and into cover on the top of the ruck and another couple calling amongst the grass on the side of the ruck itself



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This evening, a second winter Caspian Gull was in the roost, along with 41 Great Black-backed, 84 Herring, 107 Lesser Black-backed and almost 3000 Black-headed Gulls. A flock of 27 Pied Wagtails flew S/SE over Sorrow Cow Farm near dusk and a single Chiffchaff was around the pond there in a tit flock, along with a single Treecreeper.


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This early morning's highlights and a couple of nice surprises included:

252 Canada Geese in a single flock flew in from the west at 08:32 and landed on the flash

Juvenile Garganey still present on Ramsdales but could not be relocated a little later

316 Tufted Ducks

814 Woodpigeons over mainly S/SE in many flocks up to 9am, though their generally low altitude and rather long straggly flocks would indicate more local(ish) movements perhaps 

A remarkable (for here at least) 73 Skylarks in two wonderfully noisy flocks very low (barely tree top height) north up and over Ramsdales Ruck, with the first of 56 at 08:46 very closely followed by a further 17

4 Redwings together west over Ramsdales Ruck at 08:17, great to hear their calls once again

5 Chiffchaffs around the ruck, including one singing in shoreline bushes

4 individual Jays very high south over the ruck through the early morning

Goldfinch flock feeding on the ruck has increased to 54 birds

Water levels around the flash now expectedly very high



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Garganey still present on Ramsdales Scrape this afternoon, also Great White Egret, Little Egret and 27 Great Black-backed Gulls in the pre-roost.

Info thanks to Phil Rhodes


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Last afternoon today, a female Mandarin was in Ramsdales, juvenile Garganey still, 26 Shoveler, 18 Teal, 6 Snipe, Common Sandpiper, plus adult Yellow-legged Gull and adult Mediterranean Gull roosted

Info thanks to Phil Rhodes 


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This morning:

188 Tufted Ducks

1 female/immature Goldeneye

1 Great White Egret, flew from the ‘nature reserve’ area And dropped in to the western end

1 Common Sandpiper on the sailing club shore

14 Great Black-backed Gulls (one juvenile and the rest adults) on the water and moving through N/NE

9+ Meadow Pipits down on the ruck

23 Song Thrushes around the ruck

2 Chiffchaffs on the ruck

24 Goldfinch feeding in the ruck

1 Yellowhammer flew high west over the ruck at 08:22


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Early afternoon, 

Goosander 1 drake on the spit 

Great white egret 1

Little egret 2



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Yesterday evening:

Adult Mediterranean Gull roosted

5 Wigeon

Great White Egret flew off towards Bickershaw at dusk

Water Rail on the sailing club shore

Info thanks to Phil Rhodes


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This afternoon, a juvenile Garganey was on Ramsdales Scrape (video on the website), five Wigeon flew west and the Great White Egret (or one of them anyway) was still present.

Info thanks to Phil Rhodes


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Adult Yellow-legged Gull and 26 Great Black-backed Gulls roosted on Tuesday evening (24th).

Info thanks to Phil Rhodes


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Sailing club to the ruck and back this morning,

Common sandpiper 1 at the sailing club

Great white egret 1 western reedbed

Little egret 1



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A very enjoyable visit this morning, 7:30-10:30;

Stonechat 1 first-winter on the ruck. My first at the flash since 29/11/1981!

Great white egret 2-3. Two in view at the same time on the south side and at the western end reedbed. A few minutes later probably a third bird flew in high from the north and landed on the side of the ruck. By that time I couldn't see the other two.

Little egret 2

Common sandpiper 1 at the sailing club

Swallow 2

Great black-backed gull 1 adult

Pink-footed geese 10 heading east

Shoveler 28 including 18 at the western end.

Chiffchaff 2 on the ruck.

Skylark 1 on the ruck.

-- Edited by colin davies on Wednesday 25th of September 2024 11:04:46 AM


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This evening:

Great White Egret

2 Little Egrets

2 Wigeon

5 Snipe

Adult Yellow-legged Gull and 26 Great Black-backed Gulls roosted

 Info thanks to Phil Rhodes


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Highlights this morning included:

1 Wigeon flew in from the west

214 Tufted Ducks

2 Little Egrets

1 Redshank flew in from the west and then lost to view behind trees so no idea if it landed at all

1 Common Sandpiper

1 adult Great Black-backed Gull

1 Swallow very low west over the ruck

Only a handful of Meadow Pipits south 

24 Song Thrushes around Ramsdales Ruck was a large increase in numbers and the first real sign of their migration here, which included five birds (a two and a three) dropping high out of the sky from the north and into cover on the top of the ruck

13 Chiffchaffs around the ruck

8 Jays around the ruck alone 


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This morning 7.00-8.45,

Common sandpiper 1 still at sailing club

Great white egret 1 south side reedbed

Little egret 1 on the spit



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Common sandpiper still at the sailing club early afternoon and a single little egret on the side of the ruck.


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This morning 10.30 - 11.30

Common sandpiper 1 in front of Horrock's hide

Gadwall 38 Penghy's

Shoveler 24 Penghy's

-- Edited by colin davies on Sunday 22nd of September 2024 12:27:26 PM


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Generally a lot quieter this morning than of late with not one egret of any species. Main highlight for me was also a Hobby, this one an immature which appeared to be hunting dragonflies , c.9.05 -9.15 over the grass fields along Slag lane which were sheltered from the brisk Easterly. Other birds of note, Common Sandpiper on the sailing club shore then later on the main spit. 2 Siskin over south, 78 Meadow pipit alos south and at least 25 Goldcrest. A female Wigeon was sat on one of the islands at the entrance to Ramsdales.


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Main highlight this morning was an adult Hobby which flew fairly low SE over the ruck and out across the flash at 07:35.

Other birds included:

1 Greylag Goose

2 Little Egrets

1 (resident) Oystercatcher still about

2 Great Black-backed Gulls (adult and juvenile), 64 Lesser Black-backed Gulls and 14 Herring Gulls on the water

1 Swallow SE

108 Meadow Pipits south up to 08:20

8 Mistle Thrushes together high south 

11 Chiffchaffs around the ruck

1 Rook west across the ruck


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Briefest of looks today at 7am,

Great white egret 1 western end

Little egret 1

Blackcap 1 male Sorrowcow pond



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Another 110 pink-footed geese flew south west at 9:30am.



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This morning's highlights included:

204 Pink-footed Geese in two skeins, with 132 flying in from the SE at 07:25 then splitting into two with a skeins of 76 then heading east and another of 56 heading NW towards the Ribble; another skeins of 72 also flew in from the SE heading directly N/NW towards the Ribble also, an unusual flight path from here.

1 Little Egret

1 adult Mediterranean Gull

1 juvenile Great Black-backed Gull

3 Kingfishers around Ramsdales

197 Swallows flew SE in 12 flocks up to 08:30 when passage all but stopped

3 seperate Grey Wagtails high south over the ruck

84 Meadow Pipits south over the ruck in singles or very small flocks

1 Blackcap in with a tit flock around The Point

1 Raven NW early morning

3 Rooks SE together

5 Linnets flew over the ruck together from the N/NW landing in shoreline trees but presumably flew off south as they could not be relocated later


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Late post for yesterday. Great white Egret from Ramsdales hide at 11 am


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A much quieter day today, with the highlight being 4 wigeon on the flash and a couple of little egrets. For the first time in nearly two weeks I didn't see the great white egret or the common sandpiper.


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Ian McKerchar wrote:


c15 Wigeon in a flock early morning, may have been down on the water but as I just caught them flying off west (with a few Teal mixed in) I only had seconds before they disappeared behind trees so it was a rough count


They were definitely on the water, just off the point. I counted 13 though it wasn't easy, they were against the bright  sunlight for me from the sailing club. I could have easily missed one or two. There was also a drake pochard with them.



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Sightings from this morning included:

132 Pink-footed Geese over, with 22 east at 07:45 (coming from the Ribble direction) and 110 west at 08:47 heading towards the Ribble 

c15 Wigeon in a flock early morning, may have been down on the water but as I just caught them flying off west (with a few Teal mixed in) I only had seconds before they disappeared behind trees so it was a rough count

1 Common Sandpiper still on the sailing club shore

1 Redshank

7 Swallows SE

2 Skylarks still on the ruck

9 single Grey Wagtails south over the ruck up to 9am

146 Meadow Pipits south over the ruck in small flocks and ones and twos up to 09:15, though birds were still moving south after this

17 Chiffchaffs on and around the ruck

2 Willow Tits together on the ruck in amongst a large Long-tailed Tit flock

17 Greenfinches south over the ruck with a largest flock of 16!

7 Chaffinches south over the ruck in ones and twos

7 Bullfinch down around the ruck


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Difficult viewing early morning due to thick fog, however the common sandpiper was still at the sailing club plus great white egret and at least four little egrets still.


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Great White Egret present at the western end at 5:45pm and then presumably the same bird but perhaps a second was from there Tom Edmondson hide at 7pm.

An adult Mediterranean Gull also roosted.

Info thanks to Phil Rhodes


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Other birds seen this morning included 2 Black tailed Godwit on Ramsdales scrapes, single Shelduck flew west c.9am, Yellow Wagtail flew south over the rucks c.7.50, Reed warbler in with mixed flock at the Western end. c. 30 Chiffchaff around the site and several Goldcrest in with mixed tit flocks


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A three egret day already at the flash, with cattle egret just having flown over south east. Great white on the side of the ruck and at least 3 little egrets still present. Common sandpiper and drake mandarin at the sailing club.

-- Edited by colin davies on Sunday 15th of September 2024 10:33:49 AM


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This morning's highlights:

40+ Greylag Geese in a single skein flew low NE just west of the flash

1 Shelduck

1 Wigeon over high west at 08:19

4 female/immature Goosanders flew through west

1 Great White Egret

1 Ringed Plover over high west at 08:29

1 Common Sandpiper

3 Snipe over, with 2 together North and a single bird SE

1 Mediterranean Gull

3 adult Great Black-backed Gulls

Juvenile Black Tern (found by Colin Davies)

68 Swallows though SE and some also north

34 House Martins through SE

1 Grey Wagtail over Ramsdales Ruck high west

69 Meadow Pipits south (and a single bird west) over Ramsdales Ruck up to 8am when their passage seemed to stop

11 Chiffchaffs around Ramsdales Ruck


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Also this morning, a hobby over the western end before disappearing behind the trees at Mossley Hall Farm. 


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