Jan 20th - 23rd. Cambs, Norfolk, short foray into Suffolk, finishing at Crime Lake, Oldham! Weather varied from cold and sunny, through cold and windy to cold and wet.
Started at Eldernell in Cambs, with Red Kite the best of the birds en route. Not as many owls on show as on our last visit in 2023, but Riggers picked out a quite viewable Long-Eared Owl and the presence of a second was confirmed by someone using his thermal imaging camera. We wandered down to where he thought he'd had a Short-eared Owl, failed to find the spot and came back to find one showing quite well near the car park. Marsh Harrier, 3 Cattle Egrets, Great White Egret, a very confiding Kestrel, Stonechat and a selection of waterbirds plus a 600+ flock of Golden Plover the other main sightings here. As the guy who had been parked in the viewing spot for Eldernell Farm had now arrived on site we headed along to view the Whooper Swan flock there and found 2 Bean Geese among a 50 strong flock of Pinkfeet at the back of the field.
Then on into Norfolk and Suffolk. See East Anglia thread.
Called in here on the way home from our 'Oldham Birders' weekend and managed reasonable views of the Great Reed Warbler despite both the cool wind and the presence of a Cuckoo keeping the bird below the tops of the reeds. Bittern again heard but not seen. Looks a good habitat for a variety of species.
Fen Drayton.
Second call on our way home, where we had less luck connecting with the first summer male Red-footed Falcon that's been seen here on and off. Initial report around 10.00 a.m. then not seen until mid to late afternoon. At least 4 Hobbies present, Common Tern, Garden Warbler (final tick of the trip bringing our total to 123 seen and 3 heard only) and 2 more Cuckoos, one of them a vibrant 'hepatic' female.