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Post Info TOPIC: Steve Judge, Eccles (COVID-19 garden lockdown)

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RE: Steve Judge, Eccles (COVID-19 garden lockdown)
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After a 50 day wait - at last a new species to add to my list! YES 50 DAYS!

A Cormorant flew over my house yesterday. This is a "proxy" sighting - as it was spotted by my neighbour (Dave B) across the road. Cheers Dave - I said I would mention you in dispatches!

Total garden bird lockout total = 28.


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Sparrowhawk overhead - seen from front garden flying just above roof height.

Total garden bird lockout total = 27.


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Cheers Steve, thank goodness it was still a lifer!

Bus pass birdin' great innit?

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Hi Mike - well spotted (if you pardon the pun!). You are correct - it is a 'White Ermine' moth after consulting the internet. The Moth leaflet I referenced (which is produced by Field Studies Council) does not include all moths including 'White Ermine'.

Also, thanks to the private message received from Steve Christmas who tells me that he has 'White Ermine' moths annually in his moth trap in Swinton.

It is great to have the experts on hand to put me right and improve my knowledge.
Still a moth lifer for me!

-- Edited by Steve Judge on Sunday 31st of May 2020 09:21:46 PM


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Hi Steve. Have you looked at 'White Ermine' ? Checking with Waring and Townsend female Muslin Moths have a different pattern of fewer black dots.

Bus pass birdin' great innit?

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I saw a lovely white moth with black spots in my garden yesterday evening. Never seen one like this before. According to butterfly/moth book it is a 'Muslin Moth'. Has anybody else seen this moth?

See attachment. A moth 'lifer' for me!


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Mallard x 3 overhead - after 10 day wait for anything new since last post!

Total garden bird lockout total = 26.


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Great Tit x 1. First Great Tit seen in garden since lockdown (at 10:30 hrs). It was only there a matter of seconds before being chased off by the resident Blue Tits. Now I know why I have not seen many Great Tit in the garden.

Total garden bird lockout total = 25.


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Swallow x 1 seen on telephone wire from front window at 12:30 hrs. Sat there for a while preening itself before heading off in direction of Barton Moss.

Total garden bird lockout total = 24.


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Just when I thought my garden bird sightings had completely dried up...

Long-Tailed Tit x 1 (seen on telephone wire above front garden) at 10:00 hrs. I have never been as happy to see a long-tailed tit in all my life!

Also, two Swift see again overhead flying from Winton Park direction.

Total garden bird lockout total = 23.

-- Edited by Steve Judge on Friday 8th of May 2020 10:56:28 AM


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Grey Heron x 1 (overhead flying from roughly Worsley Brook / Winton Park to Salford Quays direction).

Total garden bird lockout total = 22.


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Swift x 2 (overhead at 12:15 - seen from front window).

Total garden bird lockout total = 21.


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Guess what? One addition again since my last post!...

Jackdaw x 1 (on telephone wire above back garden). It looked like it was an opportunistic check out of the Starling and House Sparrow nests in the Holly Tree.

Total garden bird lockout total = 20.


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One addition since my last post...

Canada Geese (overhead at 06:20 this morning as part of my wake up call!)

Total garden bird lockout total = 19.


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One addition since my last post...

Kestrel x 1 (overhead at 10:40 this morning)

Total garden bird lockout total = 18.


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A la Jimmy Cricket... "and there's more"..

One addition since my last post...

Coal Tit x 1

Total garden bird lockout total = 17.

My next best hope now is to see a Swift or Grey Heron overhead (thanks for tip off to my neighbour across the road - Dave B!)


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One addition since my last post:

Lesser Black-Backed Gull x 3 (overhead)

Total bird count = 16.


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New additions since my last post:

- Dunnock x 1
- Black-Headed Gull x 1 (overhead)
- Woodpigeon x 3 (overhead)
- Herring Gull x 1 (overhead)

The highlight was watching the male Blackbird cramming as much mealworm and suet pellets in its beak before flying off (and also burying a cache for a later date).

Total bird count = 15


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The list of birds so far seen in my Eccles garden during lockdown is:

- Buzzard x 1 overhead
- Blue Tit x 3
- Blackbird x 2 (1M and 1F)
- Collared Dove x 2
- Goldfinch x 2
- Robin x 1
- House Sparrow x 3 (who nest in holly tree at end of garden)
- Starling x 10
- Crow x 1
- Magpie x 1
- Feral Pigeon x 1 overhead

Sadly, I also found a dead Robin in my front garden - possible victim of local cats.

Total bird count = 11.
Keeping my fingers crossed for new additions...


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I have an average sized urban garden in Eccles (see attached photo). It is near Winton Park with links to Port Salford Greenway route.

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