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Post Info TOPIC: Ian McKerchar, Astley (COVID-19 garden lockdown)

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RE: Ian McKerchar, Astley (COVID-19 garden lockdown)
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Finally added Tawny Owl last night whilst sat out watching the Hedgehogs.

Not really sat out much of late though due to birding elsewhere and work but the House Sparrows actually feeding in the garden hit their peak of 138 this week and Starlings of 48, both of which can now clear the entire feeders in less than 3/4 hours.

The House Martins and Swifts are still feeding over the house and field behind, so I really should put more effort into identifying juveniles!


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The Starling flock in the field behind the garden (field now cut and harvested for cattle feed) now numbers at least 90, though most of the time they're busy wheeling around, not helped by the seemingly regular passing of at least one Saprrowhawk most days now. Nothing with a touch of pink as yet though...


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The garden over the past few days has been really busy with birds, almost as busy as me, but I've still managed to spend a few hours watching.

Highlights have been our second only Great Spotted Woodpecker since lockdown, Sparrowhawk through on a couple of occasions, Goldcrest, Whitethroat, Blackcap, Greenfinch and Chaffinch all still singing away.

Still plenty of gulls heading over, Black-headed and Lesser Black-backed, but a couple of days ago there was a big spiral of the latter which seemed to have come off one of the fields around Astley/Bedford Moss. Still time for a Mediterranean it seems, especially given yesterday's very close call (at Collier's Wood)!

House Sparrows now number up to 60 at any one time and the Starling flock in the field (and making short work of some fat blocks I put out) has been up to 54 strong, with plenty of juveniles in there.

One pair of Blackbird have young though they haven't showed themselves as yet and can just be heard, hidden away in next door's garden. I expect a few other songbird young to be around very soon too. Here's hoping!

Plenty of House Martin around the field most of the day, up to 14, and a screaming party of Swift numbering 8 which seem to be hopefully breeding in the street. Further out over Morley's/Tyldesley ETW more can usually be seen, high up in the air.

Still no Tawny Owl for me though my son has heard it again recently. My fault for being such a deep sleeper!! Still, it's one I may yet achieve for the list.

On the mammal front, we confirmed Hedgehogs last night after finding suspicious looking poos on occasion, with a cheap but very effective trail camera.


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Apart from the usual birds today, a Sparrowhawk flew through late early evening and best of all female Tufted Duck flew low east late morning, new since lockdown!


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The past couple of days, in between night shifts at work, have been pretty much the norm bird wise in the garden though still highly enjoyable.

A pair of Coal Tits have been in constantly, picking the sunflowers out of the seed feeders with occasional display between the two. 

Whitethroat, Blackcap, Chaffinch, Greenfinch, Dunnock and Robin all continue to belt out song for much of the day.

House Sparrows now include many juveniles begin for food from their parents with their shivering wings. They still need to master actually perching on the feeders and using the ports and they still look larger than their parents too! The numbers of sparrows using the feeders and the spilt seed underneath now numbers 30 at a time, so their true numbers with the constant stream of birds must be considerably higher. 

The Blackbirds (two pairs) are still very actively gathering food for their young and I look forward to the first young on the lawn.

House Martin and Swift are still whizzing around the field behind the garden and around the street and there were much higher numbers visible over the Morley's/Tyldesley Sewage Works airspace today too.


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A few sightings today included a northbound Linnet over low, both Chaffinch and Whitethroat still holding territory, a flock of 40+ Swifts around Morley's and at least 3 pairs now back on around the street. A male Bullfinch was around the Hawthorns, I may have missed the female but they're usually both together and plenty of juvenile House Sparrows in the garden. No young Starlings yet though they're literally hanging out of their nests and at one point a Magpie flew into the Hawthorn and 12 adults immediately flew in to mob it so I'm hopeful of plenty of juvs!


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Lovely morning sat out, birding highlights of:

A pair of Bullfinch again in the Hawthorns at the back of the garden

3 Mallard over (together)

Blackcap still singing away

A Jay went through the garden and Hawthorns

The Whitethroat was singing from out Sycamore and has been pretty much non-stop since rotating around that, the brambles and the Hawthorns

At least 20 Swift over the fields, including them screaming around which is fabulous to hear once again. Also, 15+ House Martin and 2 Swallow.

House Sparrows are non stop on the feeders and water bath, getting through half of both seed feeders every day with the Woodpigeons hoovering up anything they throw out.

The resident Robin remains active but not seen carrying any food yet though he sings pretty much throughout the day on and off.

A Wren gave a short burst of song from next door's garden, they seem very elusive at the moment (the Wrens and not the neighbours!).


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Finished night shifts this morning and spent a fair bit of time in the garden as a result.

Best of all was around midday when a pair of Hobbies indulged in some aerial interaction to the south of the garden for some three or four minutes before drifting off south. Other highlights were the Goldcrest finally finding its way into our Sycamore to sing, the male Whitethroat spending more time in the Brambles at the back of the garden (he's just got to attract a mate now) and the Blackcap still singing away.

Buzzards were typically evident but one took to display-flight right above the garden which was great to watch.

There was lots of hirundines around today, House and Sand Martin plus less Swallows and lots of Swifts. There were also plenty of Swifts around yesterday in the very short period I spent in the garden but they were hawking low over the field at the back of the house which was tremendous to see so close up.

Lots of coming and going of House Sparrows and Starlings. The latter fly south across the lancs to feed on the fields and then come back across to visit the nest sites but there's seemingly loads around with 10-20 in the air pretty much at any one time. The sparrows are still hammering the bird seed in the garden and flying out into the field too to dust bathe on the dried out mole hills and mooch around the bushes and oaks.

Small parties of gulls moved around today too, with 18 LBBGulls high in one spiral moving north early afternoon the largest group and a good 60 Black-headed Gulls also in one flock but the latter low and seemingly coming up off the fields off Moss Lane, Astley Moss, so perhaps they're ploughing out there.

Other than that, the Robin continues his seemingly tireless singing but we're grateful for it anyway, the Dunnock continues to do his best too and the Woodpigeons hoover up the spilt seed under the feeders and dominate the bird bath!


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Surprised to see a new Pheasant in the garden this morning. A much scruffier individual than Phil with less well marked scapulars, a less knackered tail and bald to the back of his head! This fella also likes to scratch at the grass which we never saw Phil do either!


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The male Whitethroat has now (just) made it actually into the garden, scolding next door's cat and then singing before flying back off to the hawthorns; brilliant!


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Only got home from work at 3pm but straight out into the sunshine and garden.

Immediately evident were Swifts, plenty of them too with a final count of 17 at one point, along with 34 House Martin, all feeding in the area between the Astley Raceway and Morley's Hall. They have now been present feeding right up until posting this too.

Other birds aside from the garden regulars were the Whitethroat singing up and down the Hawthorns but getting really close to the garden, 2 Jays, 3 soaring Buzzards, a singing Chaffinch, the Blackbird pair now carrying bills full of worms, a single Swallow and a handful of adult Black-headed and Lesser Black-backed Gulls over.

Unfortunately, in many ways, I missed the Sparrowhawk that took a sparrow from off our (huge) bamboo clump and dropped onto the garden with it in front of my son who was only 6 feet away. As he slowly attempted to obtain a 'phone photo the bird flew off, sparrow still firmly in its talons!


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Pretty much the whole day in the garden and non of that asleep for a change but the only new bird added today was still a rather big surprise.

A male Reed Bunting singing for a short period towards the bottom of the field behind the garden wouldn't have been so unusual 15 years ago when they were pretty regular as were Yellowhammers singing away too (the latter now all gone) but I can't remember the last one I had so it was a great record.


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Garden mega right now!!!

A pair of Bullfinch in the Hawthorns at the back of the garden, showing really well and quite vocal too. Only the fifth garden record ever as I recall! 

Whitethroat still singing away and has moved a bit closer but still not actually seen it yet.


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So far this morning:

Whitethroat! One singing at the bottom of the field but hopefully it'll make its way closer so I can have a good look at it.

An Oystercatcher flew low over south calling loudly, the Goldcrest was singing close to the garden, 2 Chiffchaffs singing away and the Blackcap but more distantly. A few Lesser Black-backed Gulls circling  high and slowly drifting east.

Last night I'm pretty sure I could hear a Tawny Owl but it was distant and so I'll wait for something better!


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Ian McKerchar wrote:

Best of all, 4 Greylag Geese flew east...

I could say "Honk, honk" but fortunately I don't bear grudges biggrin

Cheers John


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In off nights at work and straight onto the decking, and it’s proven to be quite a morning so far.

The (or another?) Hobby was up again over the area of the old Morley’s sand quarry at 10:14 and later it, presumably the same bird showed quite well over Morley’s at 10:30.

Best of all, 4 Greylag Geese flew east pretty much right over the garden at 10:34.

A Sparrowhawk and Grey Heron flew directly over the garden, a Coal Tit visited the feeders and a pair of Long-tailed Tits went through too. The Greenfinch continues to sing and House Sparrows remain abundant, many carrying away downy feathers the Woodpigeons have left. The usual pair of Kestrels and a few Buzzards were up nice and early too.

On the downside, my son reports the Tawny Owl was in our sycamore last night, calling away, so that’s one I’ll have to wait for though hopefully just until tonight.

The serenading of the singing Robin and Blackbird will probably mean my eyes aren’t open for much longer though! 


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This morning at 10:45 a Hobby was soaring rather randomly over Morley's Hall area and occasionally catching insects mid-air. Shortly after I lost it to view a Sparrowhawk occupied the same airspace, though this time also mobbed by two House Martins.

Two Skylarks having some form of aerial dispute over the area of the Astley Raceway were also (long overdue) new to the lockdown list

Other birds included 4 Lapwing low west, both Heron and Cormorant low east and and still plenty of Goldfinch and House Martins with a lone Sand Martin fairly high west too.

Starlings have fledged young but unfortunately two of their very young chicks were found dead on the drive. 


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A good sit down watch with a nice bottle of white wine this late afternoon (not all for me I might add) produced at least 21 House Martins feeding over the area between Morleys Hall and the Astley Raceway. A Swallow was feeding over the field at the back of the house and a Grey Heron flew leisurely east. Other than that it was 'just' the usuals, as nice as they are to be fair.


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Not much to report of late, apart from a bout of painting again today with the fence's second coat and one for the shed to boot!

A Goldcrest heard singing from a few houses away was a new bird for the lockdown yesterday though, and thoroughly enjoyable it was too.

Apart from the more usual birds, both Grey Heron and Cormorant flew west this morning and the Blackcap has been delighting with his song for most of the day really close to the garden.


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Phil arrived at 5pm today, first time he’s been in the garden hoovering up the spilt seed, for a couple of weeks now.

He is missing half his tail though so has obviously had a near miss somewhere! He spent a good 20 minutes feeding then wandered around the garden getting only 30 feet from the conservatory (from within which the photos were taken). At one point it looked liked he was going to have a drink out of the bird bath but the next doors cat came out! Shooed away, Phil remained, only departing when a dog walker entered the field.

Good old Phil.



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Few posts of late just down to being too busy with work and spending most of my time in the garden asleep recovering, other than a three hour marathon painting the fences yesterday.

The Greenfinch, Mistle Thrush, Blackbird, Robin, Chiffchaff and Blackcap continue to proclaim their territories, the latter coming almost into the garden a few times. No further sound of the Willow Warbler though. Nothing new though, but a single Mute Swan, Oystercatcher a few times, 2 Canada Geeseand the usual two pair of Buzzard have all have been over the garden. Goldfinch continue to twitter around the house and fields with up to eight around. The Jay has been in and around a few times and I heard Phil the Pheasant again this morning; with the feeders now topped and spilt all over the floor by the sparrows he may yet find his way back beneath them. Yesterday saw House Martin (now up to double figures), Swallow and Sand Martin around the house

Looking forward to the first returning Whitethroat with a bit of luck, to breed in the brambles at the back of the house like usual.


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Willow Warbler currently singing away from the edges of the field behind the house.


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So far this morning:

The Blackcap has at last made it into our Sycamore to sing, plus I could hear another 'tacking' away from the Hawthorn, so there may well be a pair.

A Long-tailed Tit passed through the garden again.

2 Canada geese flew low west

Lots of Goldfinch about, including a small flock of 6 birds

3 displaying Woodpigeon, with lots of territorial behaviour between them

2 Swallow around the garden and field

Coal Tit heard calling further along he gardens

Jay has been in and along the oak trees

Chiffchaff heard only briefly (still no Willow Warbler though)


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Forgot to add, butterflies in the garden today and yesterday have included a Comma, a couple of Orange-tips, a few Peacocks and a cracking Brimstone patrolling up and down the brambles at the back of the gardens,


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Unfortunately, most of the afternoon was spent jet washing the drive which took much longer than I'd anticipated, so I barely looked up. Either side of that through, 3 Oystercatchers flew very low and noisily east together, the 2 House Martins were still around the house, Buzzards were also vocal and obvious and the usual songsters were belting it out around the area but heard from the garden, with at least 3 Blackbird, 2 Greenfinch, a Chiffchaff, 2 Robin, 1 Blue Tit, 'metal-mickey' the Starling, a Mistle Thrush, 2 Woodpigeon, the Blackcap still moving up and down the hawthorns and at one point very close to the garden and best of all, Phil the Pheasant called once from the field so he's still about but as I've run out of seed he's obviously boycotting the garden.


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A pretty casual watch mid-morning today was pretty productive with a Sparrowhawk unsuccesfully scaring the life out of the sparrows and then circling over the field for a few minutes and a Long-tailed Tit actually in the garden, both new birds since lockdown.

A Goldcrest heard singing just up the street while I was walking past early this morning couldn't be heard from my garden though, so I'll just have to wait!


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Pretty much all of the day spent out in the garden, though the usual snoozing after finishing nights meant I probably missed loads of Ospreys!

A few new additions today, though nothing too unexpected, though some like Goldcrest, Long-tailed Tit, Skylark, Peregrine and Sparrowhawk in particular, all of which have been pretty regular up to lock down, have thus failed to put an appearance!?

The following highlights were noted though:

Like buses, 3 Linnets over low north with singles at 10:20, 11:05 and 17:34

Single Raven circling over Astley Moss area

Pied Wagtail low north over the house at 10:40 and then two together late afternoon; possibly the same single/pair as they may very well be breeding somewhere nearby

A single House Martin calling and feeding over the house and field for much of the day from late morning was joined by another late afternoon; amazing how they come almost straight back in and onto territory!

A single Rook flew fairly low NE over the garden, not common over here despite gathering in decent flocks only a mile or so away on Astley Moss at times, perhaps I just miss them

Single Cormorant east at 11:10

Single Meadow Pipit north at 11:35

Greenfinch still singing from our sycamore and the Hawthornes and a pair also in the area, possibly involving the same male

3 Mallard flying around a few times


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A beautiful day today was spent mostly outside, though being in between nights at work I spent much of it with my eyes closed!!

Whilst the eyes were open though Raven flew east quite distantly, 2 Mute Swans made two passes before appearing again and heading off north, singles of Swallow and Sand Martin, at least 3 pairs of Buzzards displaying with one right over the house, 2 Pied Wagtail together low south and a pair of Kestrels.

The more usual suspects were evident too but I clearly need to start looking more and sleeping/snoozing less!


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Due to work I’ve only been able to spend just over an hour in the garden over the past two days but the Blackcap was still singing last night and again much closer this afternoon and the usual pairs of Buzzard were up and displaying but 2 Swallow probably back on territory around Morleys/Astley Raceway were my first of the year.


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A quick brew on the decking before setting off for work early this morning immersed me in a wonderful dawn chorus but 2 Goosander flying over west was the icing on the cake. My first of the year over, never mind since lockdown!


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So far this morning:

3 Mallard over a few times, noisily chasing around mid-air

7+ Meadow Pipit in the field

4 Great Tit

Mistle Thrush singing away

A pair of Song Thrush

4 Canada geese over

Starling carrying nesting material and also still a flock of 20 or so in the field

A pair of Chaffinch in the Sycamore

Oystercatcher over east

A spiral of 80 large gulls, a mixture of Lesser Black-backed and immature Herrings over fields around Bedford Moss.

Sutton Tower in Macclesfield clearly visible from the office window


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Spent a few hours early afternoon doing some 'birding work' but other than that, all late afternoon and early evening spent birding from the garden with good effect.

A long overdue Chaffinch was the first for the week, with a calling male in our Sycamore which flew off north and then late evening, a pair in the hedgerow which could of course have involved the same male. Gulls flying over west late evening towards Pennington were mainly Lesser Black-backed and Black-headed but there were a few Herring and best of all three Common Gulls together. 'Metal Mickey', as my wife calls the Starling which uses our Sycamore as his singing post and nests under our eaves but makes lots of metallic noises (hence the name), was really going for it this afternoon/evening and with a good result for the lad too as he was joined by a female and copulation ensued. The Great Tit pair were around and vocal as were four Blue Tits together which led to lots of calling and chasing around. A Grey Heron flew east, only the second of the week and a far cry from the days when the Worsley Woods heronry was going strong and there always seemed to be one or two going past throughout the day and a Lapwing flew west. Two Jays were around the treeline of the field and Jackdaw numbers were good heading west to roost. The male Greenfinch continued his flight display and song and late evening four flew over south and continued off over the East Lancs towards Astley Moss.

Phil the Pheasant hasn't been seen since the 31st, not surprising really as he clearly knows I'm not at work!


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A good morning so far with three additions since lockdown.

Four Meadow Pipits were feeding in the field right behind the garden, often flying up into the Hawthorns and twice flew off north together but came back later. A Blackcap was singing from the tree-lined edge of the field and whilst watching a pair of displaying Buzzards, a pair of Raven circled fairly high whilst slowly drifting off west.

A Pied Wagtail flew low north earlier and as I type, 9 Buzzards are visible circling across the vista from my office (old back bedroom) window.


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Not long at all spent in the garden today but 2 Stock Dover flew through west, 3 Mallard circled around, plenty of Goldfinch were around (more than usual for sure) and the Greenfinch continued his flight display and song. A pair of Blue Tit were around the garden and pairs of Dunnock and Robin, plus the regular Wren lifted hopes of future breeding.

During a heavy downpour the garden seems full of birds though, as at least 20 House Sparrows sheltered on the ground around the garden as did five Woodpigeon, there of which decided to wash in the bird bath (re. upturned bin lid!) at the same time!


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Despite the fact that I should've finished work at 8:30am, a busy morning meant I didn't get home until nearly midday and so a quick 30 minutes in the garden was all I could manage while my dinner was cooking and bed was calling thereafter.

3 Lapwing flew over low west as did a single Cormorant, the House Sparrows were busy demolishing the last of the seed, 2 Buzzards soared over the East Lancs and best of all a Great Spotted Woodpecker, new for the week, was in trees before heading over towards the Morleys Hall area. A Robin feeding on seed on the ground was joined by a second who fed the other on two occasions, so I'm now hopeful of breeding somewhere nearby.

A Peacock (of Peafowl sorts, not the butterfly) heard singing (it is a song of sorts isn't it?) from Morleys Hall couldn't be counted unfortunately, though it at least made things ever so slightly more exotic.


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Seriously now, no sooner do I drive off for work again this evening and out he comes to feed. He knows...I know he does...

Photo sent to me by my wife taken with her mobile from the conservatory (you can just about make him out under the feeders in the centre of the photo)!


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A fairly brief sitting mid-morning today as in between night shifts but a few Goldfinch were over as were 3 Mallard, Collared Dove still singing as was the male Greenfinch and 3 Buzzards showed very well over the house with a further 2 more distant to the south.


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He’s welcome to eat as much seed as he likes, in fact in the past I’ve put it down specifically for him, he just needs to do it while I’m there and not wait until I drive off down the road before running across the field to feast biggrin


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Ian McKerchar wrote:

i dont like Phil anymore...

Personally, when I read this post I felt sorry for himbiggrin

Which bird is ideal for keeping cakes in? I asked. The answer: a Bun-tin. http://www.flickr.com/photos/135715507@N06

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My family informed me this morning, that while I was at work last night, Phil the Pheasant visited the garden and fed on the spilt grain under the feeders, until the regular Woodpigeons saw him off.

i don’t like Phil anymore...


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First Chiffchaff of the spring heard from the garden this afternoon, singing from trees around the park which is only 40 metres or so away.


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Morning session today before getting down to some 'birding work' (which merely means I'm upstairs now and scanning from the window when I should be typing!), was productive and not too cold as our decking is fairly enclosed.

2 Canada geese low west

Adult Great Black-backed Gull east, also a 2nd winter Herring Gull a little later and plenty of Black-headed Gulls also east

1 Coal Tit, about time it put an appearance in too

A pair of Great and Blue Tits

Song Thrush and singing Mistle Thrush

Greenfinch still displaying and several Goldfinch over, plus one singing in our tree briefly

2 Pied Wagtail over low (not much above roof height)

Buzzards up and active by 10am

3 Mallard over and a single drake east very low; these birds seem to be coming or going to and from the area of Morleys and some small pools by the old sand quarry

Wren on the fence; much under appreciated species!

Singing Woodpigeon and Collared Dove

Adult Cormorant really low west and then turned back and flew past low east, looking almost to land on the canal!

Filled the feeders in the garden again and I hadn't even talked away when the first House Sparrow flew onto them!

Two small duck early am flew in from the west and dropped into the Morleys/sandquarry area and were almost certainly Teal which we've had several times before but I couldn't confirm it with the views I had as I caught them with my bins late and had no chance with the 'scope, so I'll be keeping and eye open for them and see if they can be clinched.

Lots of small passerines flying around the hedges and edges of the East Lancs and canal which are frustratingly out of identifiable range, even at 70x. Given I know Tree Sparrow and Linnet can be found in those areas I can only hope they venture over the garden's airspace at some time and whilst Tree Sparrow has visited the feeders as recent as late last year, chances aren't great at all.


Canada goose and Coal Tit were new this week though both are usually fairly regular and the week's species moves on to 40. My son thought that was a really good total too, though I pointed out I'd spent an awful lot of hours out there for that. "You had your eyes closed most of the time while it was sunny" he commented, he had a point too...


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The extra hour of daylight was a blessing this evening as it meant I could at least get a good 30 minutes of watching (with hot tea and thick hoodie on!) after coming home from work.

Another couple of Lapwing past, one of the Mistle Thrushes feeding in the field,  a few Goldfinch over and another Pied Wagtail plus a few gulls too. Finally, our resident but elusive cock Pheasant boldly strutted across the field in full view and having not seen him for a week or so now it was like seeing an old friend again. He had previously been named Phil!

In the end, with daylight to spare, the House Sparrow roost in the bamboo, numbering maybe 50-60 birds was getting a little restless at my presence on the decking so I left them to it and called it a day.



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Pretty much all afternoon in the garden remarkably resulted in fairly red and sunburned legs biggrin !

Birds wise, pretty quiet and nothing new. Five Mallard chased each other around in the sky above the canal, Buzzards were ever present and part from the usual stuff, only Goldfinch seems to be more evident than usual. The lockdown list now stands at 37.

Back on my normal shifts at work tomorrow so no garden birding until Monday. Good luck to those who can though.


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In off a night at work and straight out onto the lounger. Bit quiet but singles of Pied and Grey Wagtail over north (latter a new one for this week) and a flock of nearly 20 Sand Martin east. The scope has now entered the fray and is set up for 70x magnification viewing but of course, in this heat haze it’s pretty much pointless, not that I’m complaining about the heat though! 

Up to 9 Buzzards were up at once mid-morning, though some very distant. A pair of Kestrel have been ‘interacting’ in the air but Sparrowhawk, usually a regular here, continues to elude me. Had a possible Chaffinch over but I couldn’t put my coffee down quick enough to get a better view and so will have to wait for a better one.

Now for a quick nap and recovery ahead of a late afternoon session.



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All afternoon lounging around the garden just saw the usual Buzzards and coming and going of regular birds but a Sand Martin west at 2:50pm was a new one, though not too unusual from the garden at the right time of year.

Lockdown list now stands at 36 but an extra shift at work tonight beckons to cover for crewing shortages and so that stops play...


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Red Kite low west being chased by a Crow roughly following the line of the East Lancs Road NOW!! Also witnessed by my son who sees them daily as he's usually in Uni in Leeds 😁


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A nice little 10 minute spell of activity just, with a Kestrel soaring with 2 Buzzard (about 6 of the latter now up though), a Grey Heron flew low east and best of all 2 immature Mute Swans flew low west, came back around and dropped into the canal at the bottom of the field at the back of the garden!

A small tortoiseshell has been sunning itself on the wall of the house too, in retrospect it was probably yesterday’s poorly seen possible Comma!


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The Jays which have been around the garden everyday right up until lockdown finally made themselves known again this morning, with one in the hedgerow behind the house and 2 a little more distantly in trees just over the East Lancs at Morleys Hall. Two Oystercatcher were flying around south of the Lancs early am, not so unusual here (thought I heard one yesterday) and there might still be the odd pool left around the old Morleys Sand Quarry where they used to use regularly. Great Tit was new since lockdown too as was a Feral Pigeon (they all count!) and other birds included another adult Herring Gull over west, the male Greenfinch and Robin still singing way from the sycamore in the garden, an early Buzzard up low over the field calling away and a (the?) singing Mistle Thrush.


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Late afternoon/early evening saw the usual gulls (now much reduced from earlier in the winter) heading low west directly over the garden towards Pennington Flash and also included a sub-adult Great Black-backed Gull. Also, 3 Buzzards interacted low over the field behind the garden and gave fantastic views.


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