Wood Vetch Vicia sylvatica. Very rare in GM Unique to Cheshire at this site is doing very well with 2m Sq patch. Also Gypsywort, Water Cress, Bogbean, Wood Sorrel, Opposite Leaved Golden Saxifrage among other plants also Nettle Weavil Cucumber Spider, and Cercopis vulnerata Red-and-black Froghopper.
Situated on the Tameside Derbyshire border behind Arnfield Res. It used to be an old reservoir that has become woodland and wetland. The place is directlyin the line of the proposed Bypass. Some empty head has ordered the destruction of at least one third of the wood that has been totally felled on the Derbyshire side. No nature management here as the trees sawn up and left or set on fire in huge pyres. Not clear why such a destructive act was done and by who and to what ends as the bypass was recently shelved.
Despite the best efforts of the above following plants in the reserve and enroute
BETONY, Selfheal, Yellow Purple Loosetstrife, Common St Johnswort, Devils Bit Scabious, Bogbean, Opposite Leaved Golden Saxifrage, Wood Sorrel, Common Figwort, Gypsywort, Tufted Vetch, WOOD VETCH, Yellow Rattle, Hart Tongue Fern, Broad Leaved Heleborine, Polpoddy, Ivy Leaved Crowfoot Yellow Pimpernel, Waterforgetmenot, Meadow Vetchling, Southern Hawker, Peacock, Speckkled Wood, Meadow Brown,
I came across quite a good website for this area from a recent campaign against the bypass.
-- Edited by Ian Boote on Monday 19th of August 2013 12:26:44 PM
-- Edited by Ian Boote on Monday 19th of August 2013 12:29:58 PM