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Post Info TOPIC: Cheshire River Mersey Sites (north of the river)

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RE: Cheshire River Mersey Sites

23/11/2010 - Gatewarth this morning, with Mike D:

1 Great Crested Grebe
2 Dunlins
1 Redshank
1 Curlew
1 Sparrowhawk
1 Kestrel
1 Buzzard
6 Grey Partridge
5 Stock Doves
4 Siskins
6 Reed Buntings


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Gatewarth :

Loose finch flock had nice mix of species including 3 Bullfinches, also 3 Meadow Pipits and a Great Spot Woodpecker joined the flock at times.

Still a few Fieldfare present.


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Gatewarth :

At least 2 Grey Partridge, calling from rough marshy edges on riverbank.


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Mike Duckham wrote:

Sorry - it was indeed as Rob describes.

Mike have they started the accompanied walks on to the tip again or is there somewhere else to view from?


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Cheers (I couldn't work out where the river you mention was at Moore?). There is a well established thread just for Moore sighting though (and a separate one for Richmond Bank too).

-- Edited by Ian McKerchar on Sunday 14th of November 2010 07:37:00 AM


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Sorry - it was indeed as Rob describes.


Timperley life list c. 89 (ish). Barn Owl 4.11.19, Green Sand 27.8.19, Little Egret 13.2.19, ringtail harrier sp 20.10.18, Fawn Yawn 15.10.18, Grasshopper Warbler  15.4.16, Tree Pipit 13.4.16, Yellowhammer 5.4.15, Hobby May '11, Wigeon Dec '10

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I think they might have been on the tip at Moore...


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Mike Duckham wrote:

Several hours gulling today produced:
Ad Caspian Gull. Initially on the deck at fairly close range, this bird had a v v dark eye. What was really exciting for me was seeing the striking primary pattern as the bird flew away; something i've never seen before. Also present 2 ad & a 1st winter YLG and an ad Med. Also a calling Rock or Water Pipit around some pools which i couldn't pin down; a Raven and Buzzard, and i thought i heard a Common Sand call once on the river.

Mike, you don't give a location for these sightings?


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Several hours gulling today produced:
Ad Caspian Gull. Initially on the deck at fairly close range, this bird had a v v dark eye. What was really exciting for me was seeing the striking primary pattern as the bird flew away; something i've never seen before. Also present 2 ad & a 1st winter YLG and an ad Med. Also a calling Rock or Water Pipit around some pools which i couldn't pin down; a Raven and Buzzard, and i thought i heard a Common Sand call once on the river.


Timperley life list c. 89 (ish). Barn Owl 4.11.19, Green Sand 27.8.19, Little Egret 13.2.19, ringtail harrier sp 20.10.18, Fawn Yawn 15.10.18, Grasshopper Warbler  15.4.16, Tree Pipit 13.4.16, Yellowhammer 5.4.15, Hobby May '11, Wigeon Dec '10

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Just had a pleasant walk by the river at Hale. The highlights being:

- Superb views of Kestrel, Sparrowhawk, Buzzard & Peregrine.
- Large numbers of Curlew (group of 91 feeding on one field, lots on river mud).
- 30+ Corn Bunting in stubble field to East of Lighthouse.
- Dunlin, Lapwings, Redshank showing well beside river.


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Bold Heath, Widnes

Long Skein of Pink Foot Geese high over road, flying from the direction of the River.

Prob 100 plus birds.


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Gatewarth : Good numbers of thrushes feeding on various berries on bushes on top of River bank included 15plus Fieldfares and several Song Thrush.

Great Spotted Woodpecker in canalside trees.

Magpie numbers high...one flock of around 50 birds seen.


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Late note for Fri 29th - Wigg Island

Called in late yesterday evening and site quiet. yawn.gif
Sparrowhawk through and headed north.

Highlight of visit was gathering of Starlings (over 1000) which settled on the Salt Marsh to the NE of the Nature Reserve. smile.gif


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Pickerings Pasture
From the Hide

Common Sandpiper was been mercilessly harried by a very aggressive m. Kingfisher, not a bird you think of as being a bully but the sandpiper was chased all over the scrape by the smaller bird; At one point the Kingfisher also put up an adjacent Redhank.


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Pickerings pasture this afternoon had a roost of over 150 Golden Plover, with:

20 Redshank
1 Greenshank
2 Shelduck
several hundred Canada Geese
a variety of gulls
4 Redwings over
2 Buzzards
A duck in silhouette that had me thinking Garganey but was almost certainly a Teal

and a very showy kingfisher from the screen hide overlooking the decoy marsh

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Popped down to Wigg Island and Pickerings Pasture this evening and despite not seeing the Bonxie that had been seen earlier I did pick out a Peregrine sitting on a shopping trolley half submerged in the mud [a bit strange but I guess any elevation on a sand bank is good for a Peregrine]. Also a Buzzard right out in the middle feeding on a fresh looking feathered kill [too far for bins to identify the prey] and I did wonder whether the Buzzard had taken advantage of a Peregrine or Bonxie kill? Also many tens of Curlew, Redshank, the normal gull roost, some distant geese on the mudbanks and at least 12 Cormorants in the mile of the Mersey visible between the two locations.

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Fiddlers Ferry: Penketh
Mute Swans have bred successfully this year, pair with 4 practically full grown young on the canal.

2 Buzzards low over canal, one landed on lower tier of a pylon where starlings were gathering to roost. Starlings didn't seem bothered.


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John O'Neill wrote:

Gatewarth : 8.30pm...Buzzard perched up on a haystack on far side of river.

More unusual was the Buzzard over my garden this afternoon.(Penketh)

there was 3 buzzard and a hobby over my house in central warrington last week-400 yards from the town hall-they are moving over large towns more frequently these days.smile.gif



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Gatewarth : 8.30pm...Buzzard perched up on a haystack on far side of river.

More unusual was the Buzzard over my garden this afternoon.(Penketh)


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Gull numbers really high today, GBBs noticeably up.

Buzzard over River.

Mega sighting today, single Small Tortoiseshell top of Riverbank , with good numbers of Common Blues (10plus) and a couple of Gatekeepers.


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Gatewarth :
No less than 3 Little Egrets looking great in late afternoon sunlight, with gulls ,crows and herons on sandbanks in River.

Waders inc a couple of Dunlin.

2 Buzzards soaring over both banks of River. 1 Jay.

A large Fox prowling far bank, in and out of reeds and coming right down to water.


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Gatewarth: Buzzard hunting low over fenced off restricted access area.

Gull numbers good on the River. Mainly LBBs.

A toadlet (if such a word exists) in grass near the wooden bridge was proof of successful breeding on site. Which is nice.


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Gatewarth :
Little Egret giving cracking views feeding on channel closest to the shore on the River's main bend.

Common Sandpiper on opposite bank of River.

Post breeding flocks of Lapwing and Starling, only 1st of August, is Summer over already ?!

Gulls included 50% or more young birds, one LBB Gull juv begging for food from adult.


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Gatewarth : Juv Stonechat , very dark bird, in riverside bushes. Presumably this is proof of breeding here, something I've not been aware of previously.
Linnets common, inc several young birds.
One Whitethroat.


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Gaitwarth (aka Gateworth)
8.20 pm ish Single Grasshopper Warbler reeling rather half heartedly from bramble bushes in field above the Ferry Pub.

Sedge Warb and Whitethroats also singing, 2 fledged Whitethroats flying around.

2 Ringed Plover on River, disturbed by a Fox hunting up and down the sand banks, looked like a very young animal...Gull roost (mainly LBBs) seemed not at all bothered.


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Gaitwarth :Singing warblers falling away , Whitethroats, Sedge W and Willow W s still vocal.

Marsh Orchids nicely out in restricted access area, looked like Southern Marsh from distance.

-- Edited by John O'Neill on Monday 14th of June 2010 11:35:30 PM


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Early evening stroll round Gaitwarth didn't find any Grasshopper Warblers...Sedge, Reed Willow Warblers and Blackcap and Whitethroat heard/seen.

Juv male Kestrel hunting low over hedges and ditches along River.

Nice male Bullfinch in trees near Wind Pump.


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Gatewarth : Four buzzards seen. One low. Three soaring high over river attracting impressive numbers of gulls and corvids in clouds around them.


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Fiddler's Ferry : Single Sand Martin over canal near Ferry pub.


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Gatewarth: Grasshopper Warblers reeling in good numbers tonight (8.30pm ish) I estimate 7 but when more than 1 singing at once they make a bit of a wall of sound and personally I find it difficult to pick out the exact number. All over reserve including brambles on River bank.
Sedge & Reed warblers also singing. Whitethroats and Willow Warblers completed the choir.

Pair of Grey Partridge.

-- Edited by John O'Neill on Friday 30th of April 2010 11:05:10 PM


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Grasshopper Warbler reeling earlier today, one was in full sing 6.45pm, in field between reserve and Ferry pub.


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Gatewarth : At least 2 Grasshopper Warblers reeling again tonight, from 8.00pmish.Much longer periods of song than last couple of nights....also one actually showed itself !

2 Whitethroats also singing.


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At least 2 Grasshopper Warblers reeling tonight.


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Gatewarth : 1 m Stonechat on trees between wooden bridge entrance and River.

At least 1 Grasshopper Warbler reeling, started 8.00pmish in thick brambles in the fenced area 200 yards or so before Wind Pump. Couldn't see the GW, only reeled in short bursts.

Lots of gulls on bank in river, mainly Lesser Black Backed.


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Gatewarth 5.00pmish..Glaucous Gull with gulls on river. Short Eared Owl hunting on both banks, swooping low over an interested looking Fox at one point! Chiff Chaff and Willow Warblers singing. Plenty of Peacock butterflies about.


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Gatewarth : Water Shrew showing well in smallish pond just inside reserve over level crossing. Didn't know they occurred here, so a pleasant surprise for me.

Buzzard low over just before started to snow.


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Frodsham Marsh : Adult Female Cuckoo giving prolonged views as it caught a succession of what appeared to large black caterpillars. No. 6 bed, on wooden perimeter fence near to where some kind of clearance or pipe laying work being done. Repeatedly flew down to catch prey then returned to perch on fence to gorge itself.

30 plus Black Tailed Godwits here also, a few in summer plumage.


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A Grasshopper Warbler still reeling today at Gateworth, altho' only in brief bursts. Early in the day, 5.00pm ish. Sedge Warblers and Whitethroats singing too. Distant Buzzard on other side of River.


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At least 7 Grasshopper Warblers reeling tonight (9.00pm) from most areas of reserve, including one right by railway , where level crossing leads to wooden bridge.

Also Cuckoo calling, but distant, on other side of river...probably in Daresbury or Moore.

-- Edited by John O'Neill on Friday 1st of May 2009 10:27:03 PM


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Grasshopper Warbler reeling 6.00 pm and showing v well also, in scrub in field between Gatewarth and the Ferry Pub (almost in reserve, just over barbed wire fence.)


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Cheshire River Mersey Sites (north of the river)

Pair of Stonechats yesterday(07.03.09) at Gaitworth/Gatewarth, showing well in scrub and opener area just into reserve, over wooden bridge past Level Crossing. Jack Snipe feeding on island in the wader scrape at Pickerings Pasture today (08.03.09) 5.00pm-ish. Peregrine over here, landed on sandbank in the River.

-- Edited by Ian McKerchar on Saturday 8th of April 2023 09:10:14 AM

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