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Post Info TOPIC: Cheshire River Mersey Sites (north of the river)

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RE: Cheshire River Mersey Sites


Reed and Sedge Warblers still just about singing, only 1 of each and v brief efforts.

Whitethroat. Family group of Blackcaps apparently feeding on Blackberries.

Jay. Stock Doves. Plenty of young Herons feeding on River with adults.

Butterflies on wing inc Gatekeper, Speckled Wood and Red Admiral.


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Single Little Egret flying upriver 7.30 pm was first I've seen here this year.

11 Curlews flew in and settled on Richmond Bank.


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A kestrel hunting on far side of River rather late this evening. 9.30 ish.


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Good display of Bee Orchids out now.

Dozens of plants.


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Bee orchid now with 3 flowers out.


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11 Ringed Plovers on the River in a tight flock was a good number here.

A single Bee Orchid was a nice find just outside reserve, close to the Southern Marsh Orchids, 20 plus of these flowering. Not seen Bee Orchid here before, Wigg Island's the closest site I know, so a pleasant surprise.


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Gatewarth 8.30pm
Only one Grasshopper Warbler reeling around Gatewarth this evening. Just outside the reserve, in rough field along canal.
Two m Kestrels hunting together.
Single Marsh Orchid flowering in sloping field down to the Ferry. Probably Southern Marsh tho' very dark.


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Nice family flock of Long Tailed Tits in willows past the Wind Pump.

Other juv birds about included Linnets.


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Two whimbrel on the river west of Norton Marsh this morning.


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Cheers Ian, assigning a dunlin to the race sakhalina in the field probably isn't really feasible but it is interesting to speculate on the origins of a bird. On the one hand they could well turn up in the UK or elsewhere in Europe but as you say the problem is that there is regularly variation in the size of dunlin and bill length etc making a conviction based on field observation somewhat unsafe. (I recall once reading a Swedish paper about dunlin identification in which there was a section entitled the sakhalina problem and my understanding was that it may not be possible to nail one in the hand?). I have looked at dunlin throughout Europe as well as in Africa and India and they do vary quite a bit!! The RB bird was obviously different than its companions, I watched it for a while (mainly because the patch was quiet) and it really intrigued me. Its state of plumage although different wasn't as you note necessarily significant but the relative size of the bird and its bill length just got me wondering.


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Mike Mulholland wrote:

The fifth bird, still in winter plumage was obviously diifferent, noticably bigger than the others and had a longer more curved bill, possibly of the race sakhalina?

A tough call Mike, if actually possible at all? There is much overlap within bill lengths of the races of Dunlin and though as a rule the eastern races (plus of course the North American race) are longer billed, this overlap especially between the sexes and in a vagrant context, makes it's use in the field practically impossible perhaps. No doubt in hand measurements are the only way forward there (bill and wing length). As for it being in non-breeding plumage, it's not uncommon for our regularly occuring races to be in such plumage at this time of year and atleast 3 of 7 birds I saw at a county site last week were in such plumage.

There are no currently accepted races of sakhalina in the UK although one was under official consideration some years ago and I'm not sure of it's outcome. Frankly, sakhalina is poorly understood, not helped by birders like me that have seen hundreds (thousands?) of the race but not payed enough attention to them!

I like your thinking out of the box though.


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A knot on the river west of Norton Marsh this morning-only my third for the patch.
On sunday 5 dunlin on Richmond Bank, 4 of which were typical birds in summer plumage. The fifth bird, still in winter plumage was obviously diifferent, noticably bigger than the others and had a longer more curved bill, possibly of the race sakhalina? In april I had a couple of small, short billed dunlin, presumably of the race arctica.
Common Scoter still on the ship canal.


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Nice selection of warblers heard and/or seen between Fiddlers Ferry and Gatewarth tonight 8.30pm ish.

Blackcap, Willow W, Chiff Chaff, Reed and Sedge W. Whitethroat and Grasshopper W.(including one reeling from reedbeds on far side of River right opposite Ferry Pub.)


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2 Bar-tailed Godwits on the river west of Norton Marsh on 1/5 (only my fifth patch record in 20 years) Other waders passing through recently - Whimbrel, Black-tailed Godwit, Dunlin, Ringed Plover and Common Sandpiper, also 1 Common Tern.
Wood Sandpiper showed very well yesterday morning on Moore n.r. on Pumphouse Pool.


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2.30 pm full sunlight, 2 Grasshopper Warblers reeling from scrub on top of bank opposite Richmond Bank and from the old tip area.
Reed and Sedge warblers singing on site too. Whitethroats v numerous.


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Gatewarth 6.00pmish

Excellent view of a female Marsh Harrier, hunting low on near side of river. More or less opposite Richmond Bank. Mobbed by a crow and put up all the gulls. A welcome site "first" for me.

Whitethroats present in numbers.

Toad tadpoles very numerous in small pond near entrance. Butterflies included Speckled Wood and Orange Tip and Peacock.


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Gatewarth :

At least 4 Grasshopper Warblers reeling 8.15ish this evening. In between Gatewarth and Fiddlers Ferry/top of track leading to River. One seen briefly.


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2 Male Blackcaps singing on willows on River bank. 1 Female bird also seen.


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One Grasshopper Warbler reeling from same area as Sunday night, just outside Gatewarth.

Seen relatively well. Singing from inside reedbed initially then flew into small bushes around reedbed.


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Gatewarth :
Single Grasshopper Warbler reeling just outside reserve, in or around reedbed on Ferry Pub side. 7.30pm ish

A different Fox seen tonight, bigger animal with lot of white on brush.


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2 Swallows over Penketh Old Hall stables this evening. First of year for me.

Willow Warblers and Chiff Chaffs numerous at Gatewarth. At least 10 Blackcaps singing just along the Sankey Cut from Gatewarth at Sankey Valley Park, none heard at G/warth though.

Very gingery Fox on far side of River.

Butterflies today at SVP and G/warth : Orange Tips, Commas, Small Tort, Peacock,Brimstone.


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At least 2 Willow Warblers on site at Gatewarth today.


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Fewer Chiffchaffs on site at Gatewarth today, only 3 birds singing.

A Peacock Butterfly and 2 Small Tortoiseshells flying.


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At least 7 Chiff Chaff on site at Gatewarth today.

2 Curlew in with the Gull flock before the flock was disturbed by a hunting Buzzard. The Gulls soon settled back on the bank, the Curlews flew off high.


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Fiddlers Ferry
Towpath up towards Gatewarth yesterday:
Single Chiff Chaff singing from trees around generating station.


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Quiet this afternoon. 4 Linnets in bushes on River bank.

Nice chorus of Skylark, Song Thrush and Wren all striking up at once.

-- Edited by John O'Neill on Friday 18th of March 2011 08:22:47 PM


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Surprising amount of potential confusion here !!

When referring to "Gatewarth", I mean the old tip right on the banks of the Mersey that basically overlooks the Richmond Bank. It is just along the canal from The Ferry pub in Penketh. It's possible to park at/near the Ferry car park and walk up to Gatewarth.

Both Richmond Bank and Gatewarth are shown on at least some OS maps of the area.

To make matters slightly less clear, some of the signs on site call it "Gateworth".

"Gatewarth Tip" is a working household waste site further up the river towards Warrington, at Sankey Bridges, I think.

Gatewarth is hardly the most picturesque reserve in the country, particularly at the moment as lots of sewarge work and bore hole drilling/testing is going on in the area. But as well as the gulls at Richmond Bank it does have interesting birds. Best site locally for Grasshopper Warbler, e.g., I think. There are notices up on site at the moment asking for feedback re poss development....if anyone's interested, a few responses encouraging conservation might not be a bad idea ??


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I actually work at the Waste water treatment works which is on Gatewarth Industrial Estate off Barnard Street. Just on the approach to the works are two entrances into Mersey Way memorial forest which leads all the way down to the bank of the Mersey near the back of the Landfill site.

I always thought that John O'Neills posts related to this area.

Some of my photos. www.flickr.com/photos/nickish77

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There's little doubt the area you mention is an old tip of some form Mike, Pete and I have discussed it before and the usual capping material can be easily seen at various points.

This area's name as Gatewarth merely puts some pieces in the jigsaw for me regarding gull sightings on this thread, thats all, Call it what you will of course, you say potatoe...


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Ian McKerchar wrote:

Not really John, though I know where you're coming from. In gull watching terms (which is why I go there) it's always been refereed to as Richmond Bank, so for me I use the term that has always (for as long as I can remember) been utilised officially, including in a county recording capacity. I didn't know of Gatewarth (it's not recorded on any maps as such but then again neither is Richmond Bank!) until I saw this thread and the little sign there last week (which doesn't indicate an area etc?).

I do remember the 1996 Lesser Yellowlegs there being at 'Gatewarth' though but I don't recall it actually being on the bank but rather on some small pools further along by the sewage plant which are now overgrown. I also remember it was a pig to see too smile.gif

I'm certainly not saying anyones wrong or that any one name should/should not be used. I just wondered if the two sites were one and the same smile.gif

I remember having a recent chat with Pete Berry about the large mound and overgrown area to the left of the path when walking up towards the river - we were musing on what this was. I wonder if this is the old ladnfill site? We did see Env Agency staff sampling the water here at the time.

Gatewarth as an area I suspect runs from Richmond Bank around to the bridge I mentioned so a bigger area than Richmond Bank.


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Ian McKerchar wrote:

Not really John, though I know where you're coming from. In gull watching terms (which is why I go there) it's always been refereed to as Richmond Bank, so for me I use the term that has always (for as long as I can remember) been utilised officially, including in a county recording capacity. I didn't know of Gatewarth (it's not recorded on any maps as such but then again neither is Richmond Bank!) until I saw this thread and the little sign there last week (which doesn't indicate an area etc?).

I do remember the 1996 Lesser Yellowlegs there being at 'Gatewarth' though but I don't recall it actually being on the bank but rather on some small pools further along by the sewage plant which are now overgrown. I also remember it was a pig to see too smile.gif

I'm certainly not saying anyones wrong or that any one name should/should not be used. I just wondered if the two sites were one and the same smile.gif

richmond bank is on the 1-50000 ordnance survey map as the sandbank in the middle of the river,and im sure on the old 1-25000 maps gateworth was shown,but I haven't got the map nowwink.gifsmile.gif



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Not really John, though I know where you're coming from. In gull watching terms (which is why I go there) it's always been refereed to as Richmond Bank, so for me I use the term that has always (for as long as I can remember) been utilised officially, including in a county recording capacity. I didn't know of Gatewarth (it's not recorded on any maps as such but then again neither is Richmond Bank!) until I saw this thread and the little sign there last week (which doesn't indicate an area etc?).

I do remember the 1996 Lesser Yellowlegs there being at 'Gatewarth' though but I don't recall it actually being on the bank but rather on some small pools further along by the sewage plant which are now overgrown. I also remember it was a pig to see too

I'm certainly not saying anyones wrong or that any one name should/should not be used. I just wondered if the two sites were one and the same


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Ian McKerchar wrote:

Cheers John, if this is true though and in a gulling capacity at the very least, this area as always been known as Richmond Bank (due to the bank they loaf on) and birds seen here are recorded officially as such.

Think it depends how you look at it,the sandbank in the river is richmond bank,The area you are standing on probably Gateworth. A bit like being at penny and having a separate thread for the shingle spit.Its interesting really when birding, is it the area you are watching from or the area you are looking at-most likely in the richmond bank one as that is the focus for everyone watching its richmond bank.But if you see a flock of linnets as you walk to the lookout point it would be gateworth.wink.gifsmile.gif



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Cheers John, if this is true though and in a gulling capacity at the very least, this area as always been known as Richmond Bank (due to the bank they loaf on) and birds seen here are recorded officially as such.


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Ian McKerchar wrote:

Still intruiged Mike. Is this on the bank on the Mersey? Is it near the bridge the tip trucks use? Is it accessible (John seems to do so) and worth a look? Lots of gulls regularly use an area just a little further up stream from Richmond Bank at low tide. The area is practically besides the largest new cell on Arpley Tip and so is an obvious choice for gulls to bathe and drink. They mainly then move round to Richmond Bank anyway and it seems the area is quickly covered by the incoming tide. Is this Gatewarth? Just wondered what viewing was like if so smile.gif

I think that knowing the area from fishing the canal many years ago,and birding the area a bit at that time,I would call the area you all stand on to look at the gulls at Richmond Bank as Gateworth.Thats why I kept asking everyone where do they mean by richmond bank,always thinking you were looking from the Moore side.
All the locals used to call that area south of the canal from the small canal bridge you turn right at to get to richmond bank-ip to old Liverpool road half a mile east along the canal as Gateworth,and originally didn't have access and was fenced off if I can recall and was part of the original landfill ,before it was covered and planted on about 20 years ago.Not 100% sure ,but pretty sure there is no real access south of the area you lot use for richmond bank on the north side of the river until you pass warrington,as I have cycled the area many times,and apart from the bridge over which mike mentioned,which is off old liverpool road ,which there is generally not much to see there is nowhere else.
I would say Gateworth is the area you all stand on to watch Richmond Bank.



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Still intruiged Mike. Is this on the bank on the Mersey? Is it near the bridge the tip trucks use? Is it accessible (John seems to do so) and worth a look? Lots of gulls regularly use an area just a little further up stream from Richmond Bank at low tide. The area is practically besides the largest new cell on Arpley Tip and so is an obvious choice for gulls to bathe and drink. They mainly then move round to Richmond Bank anyway and it seems the area is quickly covered by the incoming tide. Is this Gatewarth? Just wondered what viewing was like if so


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Ian McKerchar wrote:

John, I'm intrigued as to where Gatewarth actually is as I have the feeling the area you refer to with all the gulls is actually Richmond Bank, as we know it? I saw a little sign for Gatewarth there the other week but no direction or any other details.


Gatewarth is the site of an old landfill site north of the river and I think just a bit upriver from Richmond Bank.

There is also a waste collection point at Gatewarth and a bridge over the river here - the bridge is perhaps a quarter of a mile upriver from RB.

The old landfill site is currently being monitored by the Environment Agency - apparently claims of radioactive materials dumped there. In reality a lot of these old landfill sites were stuffed with all sorts of waste back then. Might explain some of the odd gulls though, especially that two-headed Herring Gullbiggrin.gif


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John, I'm intrigued as to where Gatewarth actually is as I have the feeling the area you refer to with all the gulls is actually Richmond Bank, as we know it? I saw a little sign for Gatewarth there the other week but no direction or any other details.


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Incredibly huge numbers of gulls on the River this afternoon. Very restless, poss upset by a buzzard perched up on the bank. Brief view of an Iceland Gull in the crowd.

-- Edited by John O'Neill on Thursday 3rd of March 2011 08:02:00 PM


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8.00 am ish Gatewarth

Huge flocks of gulls on River very difficult to ID as light unhelpful: bright but from wrong direction.

Pair Bullfinch feeding in Dog Rose bushes on River bank. Another (or the same) pair in trees later by wooden bridge at entry to reserve.


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Juv Glaucous Gull on River.

Buzzard very low right over water skirting far bank .


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Hale shore

An hour at Hale shore this morning - lots of shooting and dog walkers [most dogs under control which was good to see]. Avian highlights:

Flock of 40+ curlew on the winter wheat fields
26 Linnet flying around and occasionally perching up near the lighthouse
6 Lark - presumed skylark - contact song had some elements of full skylark song - but very flighty and landed in the furrows every time!
2 Dunlin
20+ Redshank
Hundreds of Teal and Shelduck on the river

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RE: Cheshire River Mersey Sites

Fantastic Starling roost on the Runcorn Bridge tonight - we were driving over as the flock wheeled and split; so a quick dart down to the roads to the north of the bridge gave superb views - the kids were amazed at the noise!

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Unpleasant mix of Soggy and Slipppy in a thawing Gatewarth.
Skylarks low over in loose flocks. Prob 30 plus seen.

Single m. Shoveler on River.

Small no of Fieldfare still present.

-- Edited by John O'Neill on Tuesday 28th of December 2010 05:19:05 PM


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Gatewarth :

Small flock of finches in bushes at top of bank were mainly Bullfinches, most m birds.
3 Fieldfare with Blackbirds and a couple of Song Thrushes.

Fiddlers Ferry
Single Fieldfare here too, feeding in hedge opposite old Station House with 20 plus House Sparrows.

-- Edited by John O'Neill on Tuesday 28th of December 2010 05:16:20 PM


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Pickerings Pasture

A m. Brambling feeding with other finches (mainly Greenfinch) at feeding station opposite Rangers' Cabin this morning 9.00am ish.

Possible to watch from warm car as feeders are easily visible from car park !


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Pickerings Pasture today [for sledging really wink.gif] but pleased to see small mixed flocks of Goldfinch and Greenfinch with up to seven Bramblings in amongst them. First time I've seen Brambling in this area.

The big hedge along the bank from Pickerings to the White Bridge was full of thrushes and blackbirds plus the mixed finch flock - so much feeding was going on that I heeded the advice on here and turned back so as not to disturb them.

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Pickerings Pasture this morning - took a couple of pounds of bird seed but the feeders were still quite well stocked. Saw my first GSW for the site along with a lone Redshank, plenty of chaffinches, grey wagtail, pied wagtail and what I'm going to say was a well marked juvenile sparrowhawk but the fleeting view I got wasn't enough to completely rule out Merlin - as it chased a Goldfinch down the shore!

Must be the best place for miles for Greenfinch up to 12 at a time at the feeders near the hide. One bit of behaviour which was new to me, were a number of Chaffinch flying up to a vertical section of tree trunk, hovering and picking something from the bark - it was mainly where frost was in sunlight so I wondered whether they were actually drinking melt water in the bark? Also thousand of gulls on the far sandbank as the tide turned - mainly BHG and too far away for anything else to be checked for :)

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Gatewarth :

Early Morning walk round the frosty River bank.

Singles each of Woodcock and Snipe over.

Finch flock, mainly Linnets/Greenfich inc a m.Bullfinch.


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And 2+ Bullfinches, 1 Goldcrest and about 15 Linnets


Timperley life list c. 89 (ish). Barn Owl 4.11.19, Green Sand 27.8.19, Little Egret 13.2.19, ringtail harrier sp 20.10.18, Fawn Yawn 15.10.18, Grasshopper Warbler  15.4.16, Tree Pipit 13.4.16, Yellowhammer 5.4.15, Hobby May '11, Wigeon Dec '10

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