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Post Info TOPIC: Cheshire River Mersey Sites (north of the river)

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RE: Cheshire River Mersey Sites

One Grasshopper warbler reeling briefly last night c.9.00pm


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8.00pm ish No Grasshopper warblers reeling, several Reed Warblers singing.

V close views of a Short Eared Owl hunting over the old tip area (right by entrance to reserve/small wooden bridge.) Kept low, perched up on the fence too. Right over my head, giving great chance to watch it. Picked it up again about an hour later on far bank of River perched up on post.

Pair Grey Partridge.


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8.00/9.00 pm

Warblers back in force: Willow Warbler, Chiffchaff, Reed Warbler, Whitethroat, Grasshopper Warbler (prob 3) all heard and/or seen.

Also, a Hedgehog wandering around.


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Gatewarth 21/04/13 8.30pm
1st Grasshopper Warbler heard reeling this year. From reedbeds / thick cover in field sloping down to the Ferry pub.


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3 Whimbrel on the sandbank west of Norton Marsh late morning also:- 7 curlew, 4 oystercatcher and 1 common sandpiper.


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1st swallow of the year, single over old tip near canal

Masses of gulls on River, a juv Glaucous Gull was present.


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Gatewarth 6/4/13
M Stonechat still present
At least 4 Chiffchaff seen and/or heard including one in reedbed doing an impression of reed warbler.
1 Buzzard low over


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Three jack snipe amongst common snipe on the south end of Norton Marsh yesterday.


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Male Stonechat still on west-facing field this morning and a Redshank on the river mud.
No sign of any migrants though.


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Two Black-tailed Godwit yesterday on the Mersey west of Norton Marsh, also 5 Redshank and 78 Shelduck.


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2(1m 1f) Stonechats on the old tip area.
At least 3 buzzards.
Massive no.s of gulls on River.


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A male Stonechat was present this afternoon and two Oystercatchers were on the river mud opposite the Pumping Station.

-- Edited by Brian Baird on Thursday 7th of March 2013 08:08:16 PM


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Am : lots of gulls on the River...couldn't locate anything unusual, the bright sunlight made viewing majority of birds difficult.
Pm : tide higher, far less gulls. Buzzard been mobbed by crows. Single Teal on River.


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Fiddlers Ferry
9 Redshank and 2 Oystercatchers on the River in front of FF pub.


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Brent goose (dark bellied) still present yesterday- it has been seen on Norton Marsh and the mudflats to the west, best viewed from Owens Wood.


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Spent an hour or so at HWH this morning - mainly looking for a Brent Goose that had been found late sunday afternoon. Just about to head home when a Brent goose suddenly appeared, initially flying around the S/E corner of Norton Marsh it then joined a small flock of Canada Geese on the S/E corner of Fiddlers Ferry. A patch first for me (cheers Den and Mal!!).


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5.00pm ish
Single Woodcock low over

-- Edited by John O'Neill on Sunday 27th of January 2013 01:20:33 AM


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Cheshire has had it's first confirmed record of genuinely wild Barnacle Goose, on the Mersey Estuary in 2011

2 adult (colour ringed) and 3 juvenile Barnacle Geese were present on Hale Marsh on 28th November 2011, the birds were ringed as part of a programme in Svalbard archipelago (Norway)

Info courtesy of Bill Morton & Tony Broome



Mancunian Birder https://mancunianbirder.wordpress.com Visit my YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCtWoAs4geYL9An0l6w_XgIg

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HWH / West of Norton Marsh

Spent an hour or so here this morning :-

Lapwing 350
Golden Plover 11
Curlew 1
Grey Heron 2
Cormorant 3
Shelduck 5
Canada Goose 50
Mallard 10
Pheasant 1
Plus Corvids and Woodpigeons
Over 1000 mixed gulls on the mud but I did not pick out anything unusual.

-- Edited by Brian Baird on Saturday 5th of January 2013 05:50:01 PM


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Sodden and muddy this morning. Not much moving.

Fields on the other side of the railway, around Penketh Old Hall/ Riding Stables flooded. Ducks swimming around here inc a pair of Shoveler. Single female Grey Wagtail here.


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Anybody regularly birding the cheshire mersey estuary , have you considered submitting counts as a weBs counter ?
The currents weBs team is seriously undermanned in our attempt to map the estuary , some more info on the mersey estuary weBs facebook page or contact the area co-ordinator of the team on dermot.smith@fsmail.net


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Early light frost made GW look almost picturesque this morning.
Single Fieldfare with finches (green and gold mainly) in bushes. 2 more over.
A Fox cantered by, along River, near-side. Semed to have prey in mouth,poss mouse. As it ran it put up Redshank and a single Snipe from reedy edge of River.


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A single Fieldfare on the hawthorn bushes this afternoon.


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Thanks Ian, from about three miles distant I momentarily thought the gulls were the starling flocks there were so many! Pete

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High tide around there was just after midday today Pete and it was a big one! More likely these gulls are headed off to roost after spending the day around Arpley Tip and Richmond Bank, maybe from even further afield too as I see late flying gulls heading that way over here in Astley


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As well as the starlings displaying nicely at the bridge this evening there was an amazing stream of gulls heading out of the river and over the bridge - must have been several thousand in the five minutes or so I was queuing. I regularly see small and large parties of gulls there but these were remarkable for their numbers - guess the tide was coming in...

Building my lifers

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West of Norton Marsh / opposite Fiddlers Ferry

Just before the high tide this morning were :-

100 + Golden Plover
500 + Lapwing
20 Greylag Geese
4 Redshank
300 Canada Geese
500+ mixed Gulls including around 50 Great Black - backed gulls
9 Shelduck
7 Mallard
2 Cormorant
2 Grey Heron
2 Mute Swans
1 Kestrel
1 Buzzard
23 Starlings on the pylons
1 Pheasant
6 Redwing en route to the watchpoint and
100 Pinkfeet flew over - north

-- Edited by Brian Baird on Thursday 15th of November 2012 05:08:05 PM


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Pickerings Pasture
Single Fieldfare gorging on berries with Blackbirds on bushes right in front of screen.

M. Kestrel flying over River mobbed by a Herring Gull.

Mixed flock of Lapwing and Golden Plover on sandbank, maybe 100 birds.


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2 Stonechat here this morning near the river, (a male was present on 21 Oct. at Phase 3)
25 Redwing flew over towards Moore.
8 Curlew and 3 Canada Geese on the mud banks.
11 Lapwing flew west.


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2 meadow pipit
Grey Heron
poss. Redwing

The field facing the wooden walkway that has recently been used to graze the Longhorn is now much less sparsely grassed than last year. 2 Mippits flew over it today , compared with last year 50+ M.pipit,50+chaffinch,30+linnet along with pied wagtail,goldfinch,starling and possibly skylark.
If the fields higher up facing the start of the Widnes Warth NR trail are utilised for these, then i can see some long term benefits of attempting to add bio-diversity from grazing. They don't seem to be at the moment though.


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1 Teal
8 Redshank
C.Buzzard (v.large)
1 Chiffchaff
2 Kestrel


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Gatewarth :

Site tick for me today with a Green Woodpecker calling , heard from old tip area as I walked on to reserve. Eventually tracked the bird down to a Willow tree close to the Wind Pump. Called briefly then flew down into trees closer to the River ,quick view. Prob juv bird.

Long Tailed Tits, Jays, Kestrel.

Good nos of Gulls on River Bank being disturbed deliberately (for some reason?) by a couple in a small red sailed boat.


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Approx 3hrs at HWH/Owens Wood from late morning with Andy Dutton checking the mudflats west of Norton Marsh.
1 Black-tailed Godwit
Several sightings of Dunlin, probably involving a total of 20 birds.
2 Redshank
68 Curlew
1400 Lapwing
1 Little Egret
1 Peregrine
11 Shelduck
1 Willow tit


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close in
14 Redshank
25 Shelduck
Black-headed Gull
Lesser black-backed Gull
Carrion crow
1 Raven (tumbling)

further out towards Norton marsh
few hundred Lapwing
Herring Gull
Common Gull
Greater black-backed Gull
another 20+ Shelduck

3 Jay (1 looked white capped poss.glandarius)
2 parties Long-tailed tit
50-100 Starling
6 Mistle Thrush (3 looked very small for missies)
2 Meadow pipit


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A.M. Oct 7th

Foggy early morning, River not visible from top of bank !

Therefore, perhaps unsurprising that not much seen ....Curlews heard calling over, and prob on far -side fields. Flocks of Goldfinch and Greenfinch


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West of Norton Marsh / HWH

On the mudflats this morning :-

251 Golden Plover
750+ Lapwing
2 Dunlin
4 Snipe
3 Cormorant
1 Grey Heron


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Widnes Warth N R :-

4 Curlew
6 Redshank
9 Shelduck
40 Lapwing
3 Canada Geese
1 Grey Heron
1 Swallow
1 Sparrowhawk
and 100 plus mixed gulls and corvids late afternoon.


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A Kingfisher was perched on the dead tree branch on the riverbank after high tide this afternoon. Also noted were
Kestrel 1
Buzzard 1
Cormorant 2
Grey Heron 4
Lapwing 38
Mute Swan 4 (juveniles)
Canada Goose 1

A dog Fox was seen in the fields south of the river.

Cheers Brian


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8.00AM 23/09

Pretty quiet this morning, even Gull numbers v low on River.

Flocks of Goldfinches and a single Great Spotted Woodpecker about the sum of birds moving about in trees and bushes.

-- Edited by Ian McKerchar on Monday 24th of September 2012 08:00:03 AM


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At least one Chiffchaff in mixed flock of passerines, mainly goldfince and long tailed tits in hedges along top of RiverBank.


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Not been on the patch much recently but did a couple of hours at Hwh yesterday, highlights:-

5 Golden Plover
500+ Lapwing
74 Curlew
I Greenshank
15 Snipe
1 Little Egret
Juv Peregrine


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West of Norton Marsh

300+ Lapwing on the mudflats this morning with 2 Common Gulls, 200+ mixed Black-headed and Lesser Black-backed Gulls, incl. many juveniles, 10 Greylag Geese, 60 Canada Geese, 3 Cormorants,1 Grey Heron (juv) and 10 Sand Martins.


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Mike Mulholland wrote:

Whimbrel on the mudflats west of Norton Marsh today with a few Curlew and a single Black-tailed Godwit (possibly of the race islandica).

Practically all our Black-tailed Godwits in the north-west are islandica anyway Mike


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Whimbrel on the mudflats west of Norton Marsh today with a few Curlew and a single Black-tailed Godwit (possibly of the race islandica).


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Gull numbers up on the River. Majority LBB and Herring.
Whitethroat, Linnet, Goldfinch in small groups all with young birds.
Toadlet on path.
Small Skippers and Gatekeepers on wing.


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Checked the Mersey mudflats from HWH mid evening yesterday - 1 adult Med gull amongst 2500 BHG, 1000+ LBBG, a couple of GBBG, 1 adult YLG and a yellow legged Argenteus Herring Gull.
Lapwing flock now 1000+ also 243 Curlew, and singles of Dunlin, Black-tailed Godwit and Greenshank.
Earlier in the day en route to HWH came across a 'new' Purple Hairstreak tree - a relatively small tree and had excellent views in the sunshine, also 2 Commas.


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Thanks Dave...armed with this exact information , unsurprisingly, I managed to see Bee Orchids this afternoon . 3 Spikes on the towpath, still half out.

Three Grasshopper Warblers reeling persistantly 4.00pm ish.


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We found at least nine Bee Orchids along the canal towpath on Friday, mainly concentrated by the bridge at the end of Hall Nook, we also found a mole on the towpath by the Ferry tavern, eating a worm, before moving into the grass, only the second time we have ever seen a live one!

Dave Riley


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Southern Marsh Orchids nearly all over now. Not found any Bee Orchids this year.


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A stroll around here in the sunshine this afternoon produced at least -
12 Common Whitethroat, 4 Willow Warbler, 4 Greenfinch, 4 Goldfinch, 3 Linnets, 2 Reed Bunting, 2 Sedge Warbler, 2 Blackcap, 2 Swift, 6 Swallow, 2 Stock Dove, 2 Gadwall,1 Chiffchaff, a very busy Great Tit and 2 Buzzard hovering and circling over the area before being mobbed by 4 Crows.

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