Two flocks of Whooper Swans this morning, with 17 SE at 09:34 and 24 SE at 10:30, although two dropped off for 5 minutes before continuing SE. Also present, 4 Snipe, 157 Redwings, 34 Fieldfares and a pair of Goldeneye.
Early afternoon 22nd October. 100+ black-headed gulls on the reservoir with more overhead and with a crowd of 50+ lesser black-backs on the field to the NW. About fifty Canada geese and a greylag on the field immediately above the reservoir. Only half a dozen dabchicks and a couple of pied wagtails and just the one meadow pipit.
Late news for yesterday evening when a Little Egret was feeding along the western dam and then flew off NE towards Fleet Moor at 6:12pm. Also 47 Swallow, 8 House Martins, 5 Sand Martins and 85 Lapwings in field to the north.
The regular adult Yellow-legged Gull was present mid-afternoon yesterday, along with an adult Mediterranean Gull, 173 LBBGulls, 44 Herring Gulls, 16 Common Gulls, 206 BhGulls, 2 Goldeneye and a single Greylag Goose.
Small groups of Sand Martin moving SW over the reservoir this morning, 22 in all. Also 30 Redwing N, 30 Fieldfare E, 2 single Curlews N, 35 Tufted Duck and 8 Goldeneye.
6 goldeneye 12 tufted ducks 4 little grebes 1 adult Mediterranean gull with all the black headed gulls that were hanging around in the North west corner, but several Black headed gulls flew up as did the Mediterranean gull as I got my camera out & then flew off I spent some more time here watching all the gulls coming in, having a dip & then leaving but nowt else seen other than the usual.... Black headed gulls Common gulls Lesser Black backed gulls Herring gulls And 1 great Black backed gull
Before coming here I spent around an hour looking for the black redstart at the part built houses on chorley old Road with no joy, the sun straight in your face & a sharp bitterly wind didn't help.