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Post Info TOPIC: Dunham Massey area, including the NT Park

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RE: Dunham Massey area, including the NT Park

A couple of hours around the park yesterday morning in fine, cool and sunny weather. Of note :-

Goosander (5)
Stock Dove (1)
Oystercatcher (2)
Little Egret (1)
Sparrowhawk (1)
Rose-ringed Parakeet (4)
Fieldfare (1)
Redwing (12)
Grey Wagtail (1)

Species seen - 39


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Highlights from a circular walk around the TPT from the NT park:

Bollin Flood Meadow
8 Meadow Pipit

1 Rook

2 Raven


Fields behind Dunham Woodhouse

120 Rook

80 Jackdaw

40 Carrion Crow


Along Trans Pennine Trail

3 Skylark

9 Lapwing



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Two Russian Whitefronts in with the Canada Geese the other side of the wall to the SW of Dunham Massey this afternoon. Guessing these are the Daisy Nook birds?

Also 12 Goosander on the main lake.


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A walk around the gardens and part of the NT park.

Mute Swan (2), Parakeet  (3), Goosander (4), Nuthatch (1), Tufted Duck (9), BH Gull (20+), Canada Goose (10+), Grey Heron (12 - building nests in the heronry overlooking the entrance lake), Pied Wagtail  (2). Also mixed tit flocks (Coal, Great, Blue, LT seen). A good number of Jackdaw.


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An hour and a half this morning from 9.40, sunny, minimal winds, 1*c. NT park only. The fields, north and south of the track to the Swan With Two Nicks Pub, were completely flooded. Plenty of waterfowl taking advantage. Of note :-

Canada Goose (75)
Mute Swan (3)
Shoveler (7)
Tufted Duck (7)
Grey Heron (3)
Rose-ringed Parakeet (5)
Long-tailed Tit (2)
Nuthatch (4)
Treecreeper (2)
Pied Wagtail (3)

Species seen -26


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Around the park this morning: 4 Gadwall, 8 Tufted Duck, 4 Redwing and 80 Fieldfare over.


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Dunham Park this am

Shoveler 2
Green Sandpiper 1
Little Egret 1
Hobby 1
Kingfisher 1

Updated birding videos on You Tube https://www.youtube.com/c/PeteHinesbirding

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1 Green Sandpiper, 6 Greylag, approx 180 Canada Geese and 1 odd looking greylag/Canada goose (?) hybrid in the flood meadow.


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2 Green Sandpiper Dunham Park on the meadow brook this morning

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This morning: 4 Greylag on the Bollin flood meadow and sightings along the TPT included Yellowhammer, Lapwing, Hobby and 2 Grey Partridge.


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NT Park
Pool at entrance

Island Pool
Little Grebes


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This morning, Egyptian Goose snoozing by the brook in the flood meadow. Also Little Egret by the Moat pool, 3 flyover female Mandarins and several Sparrowhawk.


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Egyptian Goose on the Smithy Pool, Dunham Park

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Egyptian Goose by the brook at the back of the deer park, viewed from the white style (early pm today)


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70 Fieldfare, 40 Redwing, 6 Lapwing and 4 Skylark in the fields along the TPT. 2 Little Egrets and 37 Pied Wagtail in the Bollin flood meadows.


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Little Egret and a Woodcock seen yesterday at the bottom of Meadow Lane


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Cattle Egret seen in flight from Meadow Lane at 13.19 flying south and not relocated despite an extensive search along the canal as far as the Bollin and Dunham Park including the water meadow. A Cattle Egret had been photographed across the road from Woodhouse road yesterday afternoon.

Woodcock 1 Meadow Lane
Snipe 2 Henshall Lane (TPT), 5 Meadow Lane, 5 Dunham Park water meadow
Water Rail 1 calling Meadow Lane
Fieldfare 150+ Henshall Lane car park and across the road the Apple Barn orchard
Redwing 50+ in Dunham Park

Updated birding videos on You Tube https://www.youtube.com/c/PeteHinesbirding

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4 Little Egret on the water meadows this morning.


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Female Pintail amongst the Mallard on the Island Pool this morning.


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Walk along the trans pennine trail and loop back through farmland.
Hobby 3
Sparrowhawk 1... Flushed within feet from under a hedge where it had already polished off a Magpie.
Buzzard - 2 sites with young calling



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Green Sandpiper 1 on the water meadow - Dunham Park, this morning

Updated birding videos on You Tube https://www.youtube.com/c/PeteHinesbirding

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1 Spotted Flycatcher away from the Island Pool feeding at the end of the Main Drive. Also 210 Canada Geese on the flood plain.


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1 x Green Woodpecker (juv) this p.m.


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2 Spotted Flycatcher making feeding sorties in Island Pool area, this a.m.


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Red Kite seen this morning at 10.45am over the park heading northwest.

Dave Thacker

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1 Spotted Flycatcher at the Island Pool this afternoon.


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Spotted Flycatcher 2 on the island at the Island Pool, one eventually sitting in the same nest hole used last year

Updated birding videos on You Tube https://www.youtube.com/c/PeteHinesbirding

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2 x Spotted Flycatcher together this p.m in the Island pool vicinity of Dunham Park. Several Treecreeper and feeding their young is always a joy to watch. Greylag Geese in the Bollin field. A Tufted duck (f) nest sitting at the Oxbow lake with the male on guard duty 1m away. Meanwhile, on the central pool the female Mute Swan is clearly in the maternity ward as there were 2 tiny cygnets; not sure if the male was banished or even aware as he was way over on the other side of the pool. No sign of any of the Woodpecker species.


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A walk around the park and canal this morning. 5 Greylag in the Bollin flood meadow and up to 9 Stock Doves around the park. Best of all though was a very scruffy looking Red Kite flying over the Water Treatment works and then drifting over Dunham Woodhouse. A first GM record for me.


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Highlights of a circuit around the TPT and canal: 2 Yellowhammer, 7 Lapwing, 1 Oystercatcher, 1 Mandarin and 5 Skylark.


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morning mooch around near the water treatment works on the opposite side of the dunham massey deer park..

200+ mostly house Martins, several swallows & 3 swifts
1 little egret nearby

Along the trans pennine trail...

5 yellowhammer
1 yellow wagtail
12 stock doves
6 blackcaps
9 chiffchaffs
7 whitethroat
2 buzzards
1 kestrel
2 swifts
7 swallows
3 skylark

-- Edited by steven burke on Sunday 30th of April 2023 11:40:17 PM


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Highlights of a walk this morning were: 5 Buzzards, 4 Stock Dove. 1 House Martin, 1 Tawny Owl and a Skylark


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Afternoon/evening visit around the deer park.

1 green woodpecker
3 great spotted woodpecker
4 nuthatch
2 treecreeper
1 Jay
2 pairs mandarin
4 buzzards
1 sparrowhawk
1 lapwing over
Plenty of ring necked parakeets around
Plus the usuals.

Just outside the park 2 yellowhammers.


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TPT aka Lymm Railway Path

1 Little Egret & 85 Linnet in F129

Updated birding videos on You Tube https://www.youtube.com/c/PeteHinesbirding

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Dunham Park NT

Mandarin Duck 6 (3 pairs)
Goosander 5
Little Egret still present and correct
Great Spotted Woodpecker 5+
Green Woodpecker 1 female
Siskin 14

Updated birding videos on You Tube https://www.youtube.com/c/PeteHinesbirding

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The Little Egret was still present in the channel between the NT Mill and Brickkiln Lane this am

Updated birding videos on You Tube https://www.youtube.com/c/PeteHinesbirding

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Dawn in the deer park this morning produced 2 pairs of Mandarin emerging from tree holes. A handful of pairs of Ring necked Parakeet taking further holes. Nuthatch, Treecreeper and at least 7 drumming Great Spotted Woodpecker around the parkland. A pair of Goosander flew from one of the pools. A flock of in excess of 120 Redwing made quite a noise. A single Buzzard also noted.


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TPT aka Lymm Railway path :
2nd March

Oystercatcher 2 F47
Little Egret 1 flew from F43 to F42
Chaffinch 107 - 100 at approx F128
Brambling 1 male in the Chaffinch flock
Linnet 250-300 at approx F126
Yellowhammer 3 -2 at F48 1 F52
Reed Bunting 2 F49

24th Feb

Pink-footed Goose 36 over NW at 11.24
Fieldfare 210 in F152
Siskin 19

Updated birding videos on You Tube https://www.youtube.com/c/PeteHinesbirding

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70 Redwing in the park and 1 Yellowhammer on the TPT were the highlights of a wander this morning.


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Dunham Park NT ox-bow lake

Little Egret 1
Siskin 50

Updated birding videos on You Tube https://www.youtube.com/c/PeteHinesbirding

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Highlights of a wander around this morning: 1 Little Egret on the stream heading to the Bollin and 120 Lapwing high over the Bollin flood meadows. Also a mixed flock of approx 100 Chaffinch and Linnet on the Trans Pennine Trail.


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A pair of Willow Tits gave reasonable views today despite being very active and mobile, near the River Bollin to the south of Dunham Park. They were on the south side of the river after crossing the footbridge towards the Swan With 2 Nicks.
Also heard then seen briefly 2 days ago, when i couldn't quite believe my luck!


Timperley life list c. 89 (ish). Barn Owl 4.11.19, Green Sand 27.8.19, Little Egret 13.2.19, ringtail harrier sp 20.10.18, Fawn Yawn 15.10.18, Grasshopper Warbler  15.4.16, Tree Pipit 13.4.16, Yellowhammer 5.4.15, Hobby May '11, Wigeon Dec '10

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14 Lapwing along with 300 Black Headed Gulls in the flooded fields adjacent to the Bollin.


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3 Mandarin (2m 1f) on Island Pool along with 17 Mistle Thrush feeding on the Yew on the island.


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1 Chiffchaff in a mixed feeding flock in the NT park and 2 Fieldfares with 23 Rook in the Bollin floodplain fields.


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10.00 - 14.30

Green woodpecker

8 Ring-necked Parakeets

3 Treecreepers

2 Nuthatch 

2 Little grebe 

Raven over.

Dave Thacker

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Green Sandpiper on the stream just outside the parkland walls.


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10 x Mistle Thrush feasting in the berry tree on the island of Island Pool, this p.m.


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1 x Spotted Flycatcher in the same place. A surprising number of other species considering the 30c heat this p.m. The nest in the middle of Smithy Pool that had 3 eggs being turned by the Little Grebe only five days ago has not survived.

-- Edited by Ian Howarth on Friday 12th of August 2022 09:33:04 PM


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1 Green Sandpiper and 51 Greylag Geese in the meadow between the park and Bollin. 1 Yellowhammer on the TPT.

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