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Post Info TOPIC: BICKERSHAW COUNTRY PARK (formerly Bickershaw Rucks)

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RE: BICKERSHAW COUNTRY PARK (formerly Bickershaw Rucks)

03/02/25, an hour up until dark, 400+ Starling roasted on Nevison's Flash , 2 Cetti's Warbler singing to each other, 2 Water Rail calling, 2 Little Grebe, 1 Buzzard, 1 Sparrowhawk & 47 Lapwing did a fly around before heading back to Pennington Flash.


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26/01/25 16.30-17.00 NEVISON'S FLASH.. 500c Starling pre roost murmuration rituals & 1 Great White Egret glided over SW


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Highlights this morning included: 1 C. Chiffchaff, 1 female Stonechat, 1 Raven & 1 Snipe.


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Midday till 14.15 highlights, 2 Little Egret in outflow ditch by entrance from Plank Lane, Female Stonechat on edge of playing field, 1 Sparrowhawk , 2 Kestrel


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Mid afternoon highlights, 1 M Marsh Harrier appeared from the North flew low and quartered Nevison's Flash then lost to view behind trees @ 14.03, 9 Lesser Redpoll,1 Kingfisher, 1 Buzzard.


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Late news from yesterday 27th, first visit of two on an overall quiet day. First a 45 mins from 08.15 highlight of the day when I accidentally flushed two Woodcock together close to the path on the edge of a wooded area, both flying deeper in tree line, the first this Winter for me. An afternoon visit produced a couple of Song and Mistle Thrush who only have to compete with the Blackbirds for a extremely poor crop of berries, hence the only Redwing & Fieldfare of any note was during peak migration! The usual mix of Flinches were noted although in small numbers with 3 Lesser Redpoll flying over calling. Had an enjoyable chat with another birder who described seeing a Chiffchaff that didn't call but with bright eyestripe when I asked so noted as a Common rather than the possibility of Siberian!


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a.m highlights, 500+ Redwing, 100 Fieldfare, 1 Great White Egret & 12 Siskin


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Female Stonechat by playing field and Nevison's Flash at midday


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Male & Female Stonechat this pm near path that continues on from the road to nowhere


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Great White Egret on New Water at 06.45 before flying North after being flushed by mushroom pickers. A few Redwing over early on South. 10 Pied Wagtail SW. 5 Siskin heard calling. Small groups of 5's & 10's of Woodpigeon constantly flying over but not counted. 3 Teal on SBI flood.


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Great White Egret on New Water at 06.45 before flying North after being flushed by mushroom pickers. A few Redwing


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03/10/24 Mid afternoon, Great White Egret seen flying over playing field East, then presumably the same bird later on, seen flying up from New Water, circle and then head for flooded former SBI area, 4 Swallow SE


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This evening, Great White Egret on New Water at 6pm and 2 Little Egret, a single Pochard and 24 Tufted Ducks on Diggles Flash

Info thanks to Phil Rhodes  


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27/09/24 13.44 Single Great White Egret 2 Little Egret on flooded former SBI area


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08.00 - 10.00 94 Pink footed Geese East @ 08.08 2 Swallow flew South over playing field @ 08.10 Great White Egret flew from New Water South towards Pennington Flash @ 09.15 Other noteables included 2 Siskin South, 8 Chiffchaff, constant calls from Meadow Pipit but not counted, 3 Skylark, 1 Common Snipe over.


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A slow walk from 08.15 to New Water and back, might have produced a few more birds, both species as well as total numbers, had I not been stopped 3 times by people wanting to talk ... Birds noted included 3 Common Snipe, 3 Grey Wagtail, 3 Cetti's Warbler, 1 Blackcap , 5 Chiffchaff, 2 Kestrel, 1 Buzzard, 2 Great spotted Woodpecker, a number of Meadow Pipit as well as the usual mix of Tits & Finch species.


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Some recent highlights beginning with the most recent. 06/09/24 06.45 - 09.15 1 Tree Pipit over South ,1 Reed Warbler , 4 Cettis Warbler, 5 Little Egret , 5 Shoveler. 04/09/24 07.00 - 09.45 2 Tree Pipit, down on Ruck then left SW together, 3 Willow Warbler, 1 Cettis Warbler, 2 Kingfisher. 01/09/24 15.30 - 16.15 1 Spotted Flycatcher, 1 Willow Tit, 1 Kingfisher, 1 Nuthatch. 31/08/24 07.30 - 09.00 2 Reed Warbler, 1 Little Egret, 1 Nuthatch. ALL OBSERVATIONS RELATE TO THE SOUTH SIDE OF THE PARK!


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Grasshopper warbler


Sedge warbler


Reed bunting






Common whitethroat









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Friday 14th June A Little Egret flew off the site by Diggle Flash and north over Bickershaw Lane


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Yesterday evening up to 9pm, 5 Grasshopper Warblers and a male Cuckoo.

Info thanks to Phil Rhodes


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2pm to 5pm

Most of the site apart from the Diggle Flash end.

Of Note,

15+ Willow Warbler
10+ Common Whitethroat
8 Chiffchaff
6 Blackcap
5 Reed Warbler
2 Sedge Warbler
2 Skylark
2 Bullfinch
5 Reed Bunting
4 Cettis Warbler, all heard only
1 Grasshopper Warbler, heard only
1 Garden Warbler, singing gloriously for 10 minutes but couldn't find the bugger, Nevisons Flash end.
1 Kestrel
2 Little Egret
1 Water Rail
Great Crested Grebe, Coot and Moorhen with youngsters.
2 Shoveler
C30 Swift

Scott robinson

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Cuckoo late afternoon today on the west side of New Water, also two Little Egrets.

Info thanks to Phil Rhodes


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Reed bunting




Willow warbler

Swift (overhead)

Cuckoo (heard only)

Tree sparrow

Grasshopper warbler

Reed warbler




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Male Marsh Harrier


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Sunday 21st April 8.30-13.00

Hadn't been here for ages but fancied looking for spring arrivals somewhere interesting and had an excellent morning

Grasshopper Warbler
Marsh Harrier
Little Egret
Cetti's, Sedge and 4 other warbler species, Reed Buntings, Sparrowhawk, Kestrel, Bullfinch, 41 species altogether without really grilling the place


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Grasshopper Warbler reeling by Fir Tree Flash this morning. 

Some of my photos. www.flickr.com/photos/nickish77

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Back home from Mull for a couple of days,

11 till 13.30

Riddled with Crossers and Quads!!

29 Tufted Duck
2 Great Crested Grebes
2 Teal
4 Gadwall
6 Goldeneye
1 Water Rail
1 Little Egret
C60 Mixed Flock of Fieldfare, Redwing and Mistle Thrush (New Water)
1 Cettis Warbler, heard only (New Water)
1 Kestrel
6 Redpoll
2 Reed Bunting
3 Skylark
2 Song Thrush
6 Buzzard

8 Chiffchaff on site

-- Edited by Scott robinson on Sunday 17th of March 2024 03:40:30 PM

Scott robinson

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Immature male or female Marsh Harrier hunting around 1:15pm, also Willow Tit, 3 Stonechat, 80 Redwing and 5 Fieldfare. At Diggle Flash 2 Pochard, 3 Goldeneye and 34 Tufted Ducks.

 Info thanks to Phil Rhodes


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Bittern sun bathing in the NE reeds of Diggle Flash at 2:55 then moved into cover. Also a drake Pochard, female Goldeneye, 30+Tufted Duck and a Willow Tit.

Info thanks to Phil Rhodes 


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At least 1200 Starlings in the evening roost, seen flying around above the country park from the south shore of Pennington Flash at dusk.


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A Red Kite flew low over being mobbed, then flew off high above Hindley Green at 10:35

Info thanks to Phil Rhodes


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Few hours this morning, nice to be back on the old patch! The sites looking good.

Of Note,

1 Grasshopper Warbler
1 Cettis Warbler
9 Willow Warbler
4 Chiffchaff
7 Reed Warbler
3 Sedge Warbler
11 Whitethroat
5 Reed Bunting
1 Kestrel
1 Male Bullfinch
1 Female Whinchat

Scott robinson

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Female Cuckoo and Cettis Warbler present this morning near to Higher Hall flash. 

Some of my photos. www.flickr.com/photos/nickish77

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Early afternoon produced a single Woodcock, Cetti’s Warbler, 2 Water Rail, 2 Snipe and 2 Buzzards.


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14:15 to 16:45 - Nevison Flash entrance to Fir Tree Flash & back.

Jay x 5

Buzzard x 2

Kestrel x 2

Pheasant x 2

Great Crested Grebe x 2 plus 1 juvenile





Long-Tailed Tit

& a Green Sandpiper flushed from the path between the reeds at Nevison Flash.




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Kevin Forde wrote:

Long-tailed tit

Great tit

Blue tit



Reed bunting











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Blue tit

Great tit

Willow warbler

Reed bunting




Buzzards (seven in the sky at once) my highlight.





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Single Little Egret and Oystercatcher on New Water @ midday
Garden Warbler singing away


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Looks like the plover has flown over to Woolston Eyes


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Ahh explains why incouldnt find ot approx 1900 ish last night! Thought it be hiding away due to the large amount of dirt bikes tearing around! 

ah well one for another time

Did come across a Reed Warbler ive never seen before which is a bonus :) 

-- Edited by JonathanGallagher on Tuesday 31st of May 2022 05:20:18 PM

-- Edited by JonathanGallagher on Tuesday 31st of May 2022 07:24:04 PM


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Apparently the Plover flew off high at 6pm last night,and wasn't seen to return.

-- Edited by pete berry on Tuesday 31st of May 2022 03:19:34 PM


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No sign of the White-failed Plover so far today.


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White-Tailed Plover still showing well from 3pm to 4-30pm but fairly mobile & quite distant at times.

Couple of pics in poor light attached


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As aforementioned the White Tailed Lapwing was giving excellent views this morning in the, at times, very heavy showers. 

Couldn't hang around as had a meeting in Liverpool, but other birds seen included Reed Warbler, Kestrel, 3 Swift, Common Buzzard, Chiffchaff, 2 Willow Warbler and Blackcap. 

Cracking find. Thanks. Couple of pictures attached. 


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Showed very well, better than my visit to blacktoft


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Just an update from birders on site, the White-tailed Lapwing was showing well at 12,30 so still threre but tad wet bird and birders .

Keep Birding 


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White-tailed Plover still present at 07:10

Info thanks to Ian Campbell


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No sign of White - tailed Lapwing from 04.30 - 06.00 at which point heavy rain began and I made a hasty retreat back home.


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Cheers Simon and John.
I still have not recorded Cuckoo this year on rucks so I will look out for it tomorrow.


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White-tailed Lapwing still 9.20pm, also Cuckoo, 2 Cettis Warbler, 1 reeling Grasshopper Warbler. Amazing bird for GM and incredible find Gordon, congratulations!

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