I visited the park yesterday,managed to see Jay,Bullfinch,Long-tailed tits etc,but no sightings of Dipper or Kingfisher.I was very upset though to find that the river bank nr the hide had been washed away,with quite a few feet gone into the river and parts of the hide left overhanging the river and therefore not safe to enter.The gate nr the hide was padlocked,to restrict entry.Also parts of the path nr Keg pool had been damaged and a small wooden footbridge washed away.I really hope that this can all be repaired as it is a great place to go and and watch nature.
The bridge at the Keg has been washed away a few times. Will still be passable (with care) in Summer. Actually, its not a bad thing as it keeps a few people from the riverside with their dogs. Can't see the hide being rebuilt though. I'd lament the paucity of birdlife in there these days more than the infrastructure falling apart.
I visited the park yesterday,managed to see Jay,Bullfinch,Long-tailed tits etc,but no sightings of Dipper or Kingfisher.I was very upset though to find that the river bank nr the hide had been washed away,with quite a few feet gone into the river and parts of the hide left overhanging the river and therefore not safe to enter.The gate nr the hide was padlocked,to restrict entry.Also parts of the path nr Keg pool had been damaged and a small wooden footbridge washed away.I really hope that this can all be repaired as it is a great place to go and and watch nature.
A wander this morning found: 2 Greylag, 55+ Mandarin, 10 Tufted Duck, 6 Goosander, 10 Cormorant, at one point 6 were swimming and diving in perfect sync. Very quiet around the woods section but 6 Nuthatch were kicking up quite some noise at one of the feeding points.
-- Edited by Ian McKerchar on Saturday 18th of January 2025 04:04:45 PM
This pm. Very warm but birds not surprisingly very active taking advantage of the good weather. Nice to see 2 pairs of Song Thrush plus a singleton plus several singing birds.
A singing Redstart was my first there for a few years but was not able to lay eyes on it.
11.30 to 3.30 today, 10+ Tufted Ducks,2 Greylag Geese,1 female Goosander,1 Cormorant ,a Moorhen,along with usual Canada,Mallards BH Gulls, Coots on main lake.Around 70 Mandarin Ducks on the Canal as I walked towards the weir.From hide LT Tits,Nuthatch,Coal tit,Great Tit ,Blue Tit, 2 Treecreepers,and a Grey Heron.On the river here, 2 Teal and a Female Goosander. At Keg Pool 3 Mute Swans,2 Male Goosanders,1 Little Grebe,ACommon Buzzard over,and good view of a Goldcrest in trees.
16 pairs of Mandarins, plus a few unpaired drakes, on the canal. Eight tufted ducks on the boating pond. No sign of any mute swans. A female grey wagtail was the only bird on the river. Sunset chorus in Keg Wood included robins, great tits, coal tits, blackbirds, nuthatches, wrens and a song thrush. On the way back to the car park a heron and a buzzard flying in low to roost in Keg Wood.
20/06/23, 3:45 - 5:55
Two families of mandarin on the river above the weir. Juvenile dipper and grey wagtail on the river below the weir. A rather ghostly pair of Canada x greylag gosling's by the visitor centre. Buzzard over Ernocroft Wood.
Greylag 2, Mallard male and Females, Canada Geese, Muscovy Ducks, Moorhen 2, Coot 3, Chiffchaff with several calling from all directions, Willow Warbler, Crow, Mandarins male and female, Robin, Grey wagtail, Mute Swan, Dunnock, Great Tit, several hanging around feeders, Blue Tit, Song Thrush, Nuthatch (Never seen as many, especially on feeders), Buzzard, Grey heron on the path to the river hide, Wood pigeons, Kingfishers (2) at the river hide, Coal tit, Wood Duck.
A couple of hours p.m. from car park to Compstall reserve and back. Quite quiet, but wonderfully devoid of humans too! Best bird was a WOODCOCK flushed from the reserve area between the path to the hide and the river. Feeder birds inc. great spotted woodpecker and nuthatch. The river held 3 drake teal; the weir had a dipper sitting atop the waterfall (where were you photographers?), also a treecreeper in that area. The lodge had 9 tufted duck (5 drakes), and 2 male goosander. No Winter finches whatsoever.
2nd hand information of a Little Egret on the Keg pool this afternoon.
I apparently just missed 'an egret' on Wednesday which flew from the North end just as I reached the wooden footbridge. The guy who was on the bridge said he saw it take off with a heron as I approached. Just missed a park 'tick' by the sounds of it.
A morning amble around the woods, keg pool and down to the hide produced the following highlights: 2 Grey Heron, 1 Dipper. 2 Grey Wagtail, 2 Tufted Duck, 1 Sparrowhawk, 3 Buzzard. 3 Swallow, a very confiding Willow Warbler by the hide and Whitethroat (heard only) around Sunny Garden
Walk up to the top of the woods and back. Highlights 7 Cormorant, 8 Goosander (3m,5f), 50+ Mandarin, 2 Tufted, 2 Grey Heron and good numbers of Nuthatch, GS Woodpecker, Treecreeper and Bullfinch in the woods. 2 Meadow Pipits near the hide.
Third visit here and still not managed to find a Dipper.
Walk this morning. 1 male and 1 female Goosander on the main lake with another female on Keg Pool. A flock of circa 40 Redwing foraging in the wood was the other highlight.
A good visit this morning with 33 species seen. A swan was on the main lake when I arrived but relocated to the Keg Pool. Other highlights were goosanders galore (7 on the keg pool - 2m 5f - 2or 3 above the weir), 2 GS Woodpeckers, a pair of grey wagtails near the hide, a small siskin flock near the shelter at the top end of the park and lots of nuthatch, coal tit and mandarins.
2nd visit this month to the Roman Lakes in Marple yesterday, & no sign of any Mute Swans there either with Coot & Canada Geese numbers well down on normal figures
The Stockport Tourism Facebook site are reporting that Etherow has now lost all its Swans. The male was killed by a dog in the summer, the last of the 7 cygnets have just died from avian flu and the female has flown off. A number of Canada Geese have also died. The first time in over 20 years that Etherow hasnt had Swans.
Only the Keg held any interest, with a single wigeon (f), and teal (m). The female mute swan and her 7 'babies' flew in as I watched joining a 'new' bird on the scene. Failed to note if it was a new male to replace the father of the immature birds who was killed by a dog in the Summer. Also seen: kingfisher fishing the Keg, Sparrowhawk, Treecreeper, Jay, 20+ cormorants, 3 dabchick, siskin(s) heard only. Still not seen a fieldfare, and redwings are few in the general area. If Stockport Council has a commitment to increase biodiversity forced upon it, at least it should have an easy task, because it cannot get any worse.
Plenty of mandarin ducks on the little canal, including half a dozen first-Winter drakes.
Dipper and grey wagtail on the rocks just downstream from the weir.
A large mixed tit flock at least a dozen each of long-tailed tits and blue tits with great tits, chiffchaffs and coal tits flying between the weir and Keg Wood,
Just read a story in the Manchester Evening News telling of the tragic death of the 19 year old male swan 'Eric' on the Keg, apparently, but not surprisingly, at the hands of a dog (and its owner - who is more culpable anyway). Cats are a menace, though, aren't they? I despair.
Garden Warbler on the right before Sunny Corner, Sparrowhawk, 2 Buzzard displaying over Ernocroft Wood, 4 Swift, 2 Swallow, 6 House Martin, 8 Chiffchaff, a good number of Blackcap singing, Willow Warbler, Mute swan with cygnets, Tufted duck, 25 Mandarin mostly in eclipse + young, Grey Heron, 2 Grey Wagtail, Great-Spotted Woodpecker, 8 Nuthatch.
-- Edited by Vicky Harper on Saturday 12th of June 2021 06:24:25 PM
2 Garden Warbler, Common Whitethroat, 10 Blackcap, 7 Chiffchaff, 8 Goldcrest, 8 Nuthatch, 2 Great Spotted Woodpecker, Common Buzzard, 2 Treecreeper, 2 Mute Swan with 7 cygnets, 24 Mandarin Duck many with young, Swallow, Tufted Duck, Grey Wagtail.
Intriguingly also heard a probable distant Wood Warbler at the far lower end of Keg Wood. Re-traced steps to see if I could spot it, but to no avail. Worth looking out for if anyone's in the area.
Highlight was a Peregrine chasing Feral Pigeons low over the car park and lakes for 10 minutes before giving up and circled high and drifted north. A Garden Warbler was singing and showing well in the trees across the river from the hide, another two heard elsewhere. Whitethroat singing near the hide. Willow Warbler, Blackcap, Chiffchaff dotted around. Grey Wagtail by the weir. Counted 16 male Mandarins and five females. Two females had very young broods of six ducklings each. Swifts and Swallows in small numbers. Two Buzzards circling high above. Goldcrest, Nuthatch, Treecreeper, Jay amongst the commoner species.
p.m. Reasons for visit twofold: 1. I hoped that the rain might cause a tern to drop in (it didn't); 2. To seek out odonata (see other wildlife). Birds not a waste of time really though (only went as far as the CWT site) - all 4 hirundines seen, although only swallows in double figures, 1 siskin heard, reed bunting heard, pair of grey wagtails and 1 adult dipper feeding 1 juvenile at the weir, a couple of cormorants, goldcrest heard, mistle thrush. Best was an oystercatcher which flew through during the rain calling - a new park bird for me, and they don't come easy after nearly 40 years!!!
Quick stomp around, late afternoon, hoping to encounter sand martins. Was very blowy, so not so much seen either there or on the route march to and from Romiley - no hirundines though half a dozen chiffchaffs singing (far end), plus another four en route. About a dozen pairs of mandarins scattered around the park and rather retiring, though a couple of small, more obvious parties of males too. Two little grebes on Keg pool along with half a dozen tufted ducks. Dipper heard but not seen on the river, one buzzard. Nice to see/hear displaying lapwings in the fields above the park, though only four individuals that I encountered.
1030-1230 Today. The road up from the Weir to sunny corner is being resurfaced but was not closed to pedestrians and the workmen seemed fine with us being there.
At the bus stop like hide on the hill in the woods (not sure how everyone refers to this one) - "top left" of park. Put mixed seeds on bird table
4+ blue tit
2 nuthatch
2 great tit
2 coal tit
1 Marsh/Willow tit. Based on other people's posts, was most likely Marsh tit but I'm not confident with these and all I can say is it was not a coal tit.
3 robin
1 treecreeper (not on bird table).
@ Keg Pool:-
4 mute swans
2 coot
1 Kingfisher
1 little grebe
1 Male goosander
2 Canada geese
4 tufted duck
1 heron
Walking around:-
jay, carrion crow, blackbird, wren, woodpigeon, song thrush, long-tailed tits, dipper on the river near the weir. Numerous mallard and mandarin ducks.
Sound of woodpecker drumming but no sighting.
Not heard (but would recognise): chaffinch; chiffchaff;
-- Edited by DaveGerrard on Thursday 18th of March 2021 05:14:44 PM
Visit today between 1 and 4 pm went to find a Dipper and wasn't disappointed . Also did a count of the Mandarin duck with a total of 63 which included 20 females paired up and a lot of competitive males.
11 Tufted duck on the main lake and a female Goosander on the river.
Male Kingfisher on the farm pond near the nature reserve along with a Grey Heron
Lots of Tit's on the feeders along with 3 Nuthatch
-- Edited by Paul Whiting on Thursday 4th of March 2021 12:12:07 AM