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Not a lot more to add to that in a walk from Coal Pit Lane > Walker Fold > Burnt Edge > Mast Road > George's Lane > Three Lads > Holdens Farm > Coal Pit Lane  Sunday 14th 9.15 to 12.30.

Pair Stonechat Burnt Edge, 1 Stonechat nr Kennels

C Snipe calling nr 3 Lads

C Whitethroat, Holdens Farm

3/4 Kestrels in area



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A good morning today up on the moors with the following highlights from first light to midday:

3 Pied Flycatchers (one Wilderswood clearing and two at the bottom on Burnt Edge)
5 Spotted Flycatcher (three at the bottom of Burnt Edge, two in Brownstones Quarry)
8 Tree Pipit (three singles south over Higher Meadows pre-9am, three very showy in the trees at the bottom of Burnt Edge and another two at Holdens Farm)
52 Willow Warbler, many clearly on the move early am
1 Garden Warbler at Walker Fold

iPhonescoped Tree Pipits at Holden's Farm


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Birds on the moors this morning included:

A Whinchat which landed briefly on fence Higher Meadows before flying of high south towards Horwich.
3 Spotted Flycatcher in willows below Burnt Edge by Sugar Loaf Plantation.
26 Wheatear.
57 Willow Warbler scattered.
1 Siskin over wilderswood.

Info thanks to Andy Makin


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Saturday, 13th August 2016. 13:30 - 16:00 hrs.

Layby off Matchmoor Lane - Burnt Edge - Holdens Farm - Gilligants Farm - Winter Hill - Mast Road - Holdens Plantation - back over Burnt Edge - and return

Stonechat x 5 (including 2 juveniles)
Wheatear x 1
Meadow Pipit x 10
Kestrel x 4
Swallow x 7
House Martin x 5
Carrion Crow x 8
Magpie x 10
Woodpigeon x 1


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Out on Mountain Bike this morning, plenty Meadow Pipit about with House Martin. Single Raven and Wheatear seen and a Single Kestrel.

Scott robinson

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This morning:

16 Wheatear, 1 Spotted Flycatcher and 35 Willow Warbler along the Walker Fold path and a single Whinchat in horse paddocks along Edge Lane.

Info thanks to Andy Makin


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This morning:

13 Wheatear
A Tree Pipt at Higher Meadows and another in the plantation below Burnt Edge
Spotted flycatcher below Wilderswood

Info thanks to Andy Makin and Andy Pinches


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A minor fall after rain this morning along Georges Lane up as far as the border with Lancashire produced:

A single Pied Flycatcher bathing in a puddle and perched on the fence by the kennels
3 Tree Pipits

Info thanks to Andy Makin


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Georges Lane

2 Kestrels, 6 Meadow Pipits (One carrying food), 1 juv Pied Wagtail and 1 Buzzard.

Burnt Edge

A family of 4 Meadow Pipits including 2 juveniles that were struggling to fly, 1 male Kestrel and 1m +1f Stonechats.

Holdens Farm

26 Mistle Thrushes and 3 Linnets.

John Williams

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Late news for yesterday morning:

550+ Swift moving SW
Juvenile Cuckoo at Holdens Farm
Grasshopper Warbler still reeling by the kennels on Georges Lane
5 Wheatear

Info thanks to Andy Makin


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Morning vismig from Scout Road:

Good numbers of Swift moving south then later SEW with a total of 1318, the majority from 06:45 to 08:30.
Quite a bit of movement in first two hours of light in very low cloud with 5 Black-tailed Godwit N, 2 Oystercatcher and 7 Lapwing N, 1 Dunlin over calling, 3 juvenile Common Tern high N.
Also 2 Wheatear along Mast Road.

Info thanks to Andy Makin


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Highlights this morning:

Two Stonechats by the metal barrier on Mast Road and a further male and 6 juveniles on Burnt Edge
4 Wheatears in the Mast Road pony fields
134 Swift south between 11:05 and 11:30
1 Curlew south

Info thanks to Andy Makin


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This morning:

Good numbers of Swifts with 473 moving south from Edge Lane and Burnt Edge between 10:45 and 12:15, with over half in last 30 minutes before heavy rain moved in.
Small numbers of hirundines south included 40 House Martin and 130 Swallow.
2 Wheatear were in the Mast Road pony fields.
4 Crossbill flew directly south over Edge Lane.
8 Curlew flew NW together over the tops of Winter Hill.

Info thanks to Andy Makin


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30 juvenile Swallows landed on Mast Road around 10am today, 10 Swift went SE and 6 Wheatear included one which continued SE over the moor. Best of all a juvenile Black Redstart landed on the border wall along Georges Lane just after 10am, then flew up on to the border tower where it rested for 5 minutes before it worked its way to top before flying of towards the mast buildings.

Info thanks to Andy Makin


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Hobby at 9pm on Coal Pit Lane


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The moors this morning included 3 Wheatear in the pony field along Mast Road, 12 Willow Warbler in the bracken along Burnt Edge with a male Stonechat here and along Georges Lane.

Info thanks to Andy Makin


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A few sightings from this morning:

1 Crossbill and 2 Siskin at Gale Brook Plantation
1 juvenile Wheatear on Horwich Moor

Info thanks to Andy Makin


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Saturday, 4th June 2016. 12:00 - 16:00 hrs.

Layby off Matchmoor Lane - Burnt Edge - Holdens Farm - Gilligants Farm - Colliers Row - Walker Fold Wood - return via Burnt Edge

Linnet x 3
Yellowhammer x 1
Curlew x 2
Skylark x 3
Meadow Pipit x 7
Reed Bunting x 1
Willow Warbler x 5
Lapwing x 4
Mistle Thrush x 2
Pied Wagtail x 2
Swallow x 10
Swift x 2
Goldfinch x 10
Great Tit x 1
Blue Tit x 2
Chaffinch x 3
Carrion Crow x 10
Magpie x 5
Woodpigeon x 7
Pheasant x 3 (all male)
Canada Geese x 2
Black-Headed Gull x 8


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3 Spoonbill (1 adult and 2 immatures) at 8:45pm heading SW at height over Fleet Moor; lost to view heading towards Haigh.

Info thanks to Andy Makin


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Grasshopper Warbler,Willow Warbler,Chiffchaff,Whitethroat,Reed Bunting,Kestrel,Raven,Buzzard and Blackcap all seen and heard on Bike ride around Horwich Moors today.

Scott robinson

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Hi,Holdens Farm. Just had a pleasant half hour listening to the cuckoo, watching swallows and very interestingly watching a dunnock.


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Saturday, 14th May 2016. 12:30 - 16:00 hrs. Sunny with little nip in air. Quiet birdwise with perfect walking conditions.

Matchmoor Lane layby - Burnt Edge - Holdens Farm - Gilligants Farm - Winter Hill - Mast Road - back via Holdens Plantation

Curlew x 6
Raven x 2
Skylark x 5
Meadow Pipit x 3
Reed Bunting x 2
Willow Warbler x 1
Whitethroat x 2
Swallow x 10
Swift x 2 (seen on drive up near Beaumont Lane)
Great Tit x 1
Chaffinch x 3
Carrion Crow x 10
Magpie x 3
Woodpigeon x 7
Pheasant x 3 (all male)
Black-Headed Gull x 8


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Male Cuckoo singing at Adams Hill Plantation at 6:25pm.

Info thanks to Phil Rhodes


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2 Golden Plover 1 Whitethroat 40+ Skylark 20+ Meadow Pipit Circa 3 Grasshopper Warbler (heard) 3 Buzzard 2 Kestrel 1 Wren 1 Raven 1 Common Gull 20+ Blackheaded Gull 5 Willow Warbler 2 Robin 5 Goldfinch 5 Wheatear 2 Bluetit 3 Great tit 1 Coal tit 1 Curlew 2 Carrion Crow 5 Lapwing 1 Grey Wagtail 1 Pief Wagtail 2 Magpie 3 Woodpigeon


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Cuckoo (m) opposite Giligants Farm


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Had a few hours this morning but it was really quiet. 06:00 - 09:00 Top end of Smithills near Adam Hill, Georges Lane and Matchmoor Lane. No Wheatears and hardly any sign of movement. A few Redpolls seemed to be the only things moving. 3 Willow Warblers were singing along Georges Lane, and a Pied Wagtail along Matchmoor Lane were sadly the most interesting things I saw in three hours of the quietest birding I've had up here.

No one on their death bed ever said they wished they'd spent more time at work. http://bitsnbirds.blogspot.co.uk

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1200-1400 2 Coal tit 2 Great tit 1 Goldcrest 1 Curlew 20 Meadow Pipit 1 Carrion Crow 2 Song Thrush 2 Jackdaw 2 Robin 2 Blackbird 2 Willow Warbler Still no sign of the elusive Ring Ouzel after many visits looking for it!


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Male Ring Ouzel still present at Gilligant's Farm at 8:15pm with 4 Wheatear (1m, 3f).


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Male Ring Ouzel showing well from 9-10am at least at Gilligants Farm this morning.

Also 2 Wheatear.

Info thanks to Brian Fogg


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Cracking weather this am from 07.30 - 12.00 George's Lane up towards Two Lads then over into Holden's area, Walker Fold woods, and back up and over between the quarries.

Of note

Wheatear 13 in field north of Coal Pit Lane, 4 more at George's Lane
1 female Whinchat near the big group of Wheatear
Willow Warbler - numerous in all areas except obviously the high moors
Curlew - 2 feeding in horse paddock near Holden's, 2 others heard
Mistle Thrush 2 in horse paddocks
Coal Tit - 2 in Larches George's La, 2 Coal Pit Lane, more heard in Roscoe's Tenement Clough
Lapwing 1
Common Buzzard 2
Peregrine 2
Raven 2
Kestrel 1

Fairly numerous Meadow Pipits on the higher areas
Swallows - 1 over George's Lane, 2 on the roof of Holden's Barn and 2 more lower down. Skylark 3 heard

-- Edited by Paul Richardson on Saturday 23rd of April 2016 05:44:55 PM


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Georges Lane

2 Wheatears, 1m Stonechat, 7 Lesser Redpoll, 1 Linnet, 1 Buzzard, 1m Kestrel and 2 Lapwings. Cuckoo heard by the plantation on the Lancs border.

Burnt Edge

1m Kestrel, 3 Curlew and 1 Buzzard. Willow Warbler singing in the conifer plantation.

Sugar Loaf Plantation

3 Willow Warblers singing. 1 Grey Wagtail by the stream.

Holdens Farm

3 Swallows. The only birds in the horse paddocks were a pair of Meadow Pipits.

John Williams

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This morning 5 singing Grasshopper Warblers along Coal Pit Road.


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Today, Wheatears as follows; 4 Fleet Moor, 3 Walker Fold, 4 Mast Road and 2 Holden's Farm.

-- Edited by Simon Warford on Sunday 17th of April 2016 05:39:00 PM


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Four Ring Ouzels (two adult males) this morning at Georges Lane/Higher Meadows, two of which flew towards the Hawthorns at the bottom of the Pike in Lancashire.

Info thanks to Andy Makin


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Very little to add to the reports for today on the moors.

Male Stonechat along Burnt Edge, 2 Willow Warblers along Coal Pit Lane.

No Hirundines apart from the mentioned Swallows at Holdens and no Raptors apart from one Common Buzzard coming off the moors (us not the bird) along Coal Pit Lane and very low numbers of Meadow Pipits and Skylarks.


Walk Coal Pit Lane, Holdens, Burnt Edge, George's Lane, back via path up near Three Lads and Holden Plantation, 9.00 - 12.30


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Nice to meet you too Steve, I'm just glad that the Ring Ouzel was still around when you got there. Whilst I was there it flew into the willows behind the barn with most of the Fieldfares.

It had not re-emerged when I left.

John Williams

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Saturday, 9th April 2016. 12:15 - 16:00 hrs.

Walk from road off Matchmoor Lane - along Burnt Edge - Holdens Farm - Gilligants Farm - Winter Hill mast and return via Mast Road and Burnt Edge.

Nice to meet you John (must have been you!) - and thanks for tip off about male Ring Ouzel.

Ring Ouzel (M) x 1 (in field to left of Holdens Farm)
Fieldfare x 5
Raven x 1
Swallow x 1
Curlew x 3
Pied Wagtail x 1
Meadow Pipit x 15
Skylark x 4
Long Tailed Tit x 3
Red Grouse x 1
Blue Tit x 5
Great Tit x 3
Chaffinch x 3
Pheasant x 1
Carrion Crow x 8
Magpie x 4
Woodpigeon x 1
Lapwing x 1

-- Edited by Steve Judge on Saturday 9th of April 2016 04:52:26 PM


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Georges Lane

2 Willow Warblers, 1 Swallow

Burnt Edge

1f Kestrel, 2Curlew

Adam's Hill

3 Skylarks

Walker Fold

2 Buzzards

Holdens Farm

1m Ring Ouzel on the pasture alongside the barn with 14 Fieldfares, 2 Redwings, 1 Wheatear and a pair of Pied Wagtails.

2 Swallows flying around the farm.

John Williams

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9:50 Ring Ouzel (m) at Big Hedge. Flew off into Lancs at 10:30. Didn't manage to relocate it.


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17:30 - 19:00 Fleet Moor 1 Wheatear Edge Lane 6 Wheatear Gilligant's Farm 15 Wheatear Coal Pit Lane 2 Curlew 2 Snipe 1 Stonechat


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Rained most of the time, with patchy visibility, although it brightened up as I was leaving.

No sign of Wheatears or any Stonechats throughout.

Georges Lane

3 Bullfinches and 1 Lapwing, otherwise just crows and a few Black Headed Gulls.

Burnt Edge

Lots of Meadow Pipits, showing well, allowing close approach and displaying, but no other passerines

Holdens Farm

3 Ravens and a flock of 19 Fieldfares.

John Williams

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A female Marsh Harrier flew NE over Smithills Moor today.

Info thanks to Andy Makin


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17:30 - 19:15 George's Lane 2 Stonechat (1m, 1f) Edge Lane 4 Wheatear (3m , 1f) Coal Pit Lane 1 Stonechat (m)


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Highlights of 8am until midday today; Andy Makin present 7-9am but low cloud didn't really clear until 8am:

A tight flock of 11 Twite flew low north across the moor at around 09:40.

2837 Meadow Pipit (including 472 which Andy Makin had from Georges Lane 8-9am, the rest were spread on a broad front from Two Lads Hill to Deans Ditch 8-11:30) heading low north across the moors; a fantastic sight.

11 Wheatear, included 3 Andy Makin had moving quickly through near Georges Lane pre-9am (one male of which landed on his scope!) and I had 8 in less than five minutes just after 9am which moved briskly through Two Lads Hill, consisting of four males and four females ('phonescoped male attached).

3 Greylag Geese headed over SE (Andy had one from Georges early on and I had two from Two Lads Hill mid morning).


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There was a carnival taking place beyond the kennels on Georges Lane, so there were few birds about, and certainly no Wheatears.

Wilderswood/ Georges Lane : 1 singing Skylark, 1 Lapwing and 1 Kestrel.

Burnt Edge

Meadow Pipit displaying was in full swing throughout the moor, with 6 birds parachuting along Burnt Edge alone.

Whilst flying over were 1 Grey Heron, 2 Curlews and 4 Ravens. A Buzzard patrolled high above Walker Fold.

2 Goldcrests were in Sugarloaf Plantation, A male Reed Bunting appeared to be on territory by Holdens Plantation.

1m+1f Stonechats by the kissing gate where the path from Holdens reaches Mast Road.


John Williams

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Heard a red grouse , flushed a woodcock on top of winter hill , 2 heron hunting frogs in a small pool next to mast road , 4 crossbill flew from wilderswood area towards the pike .

g lilley

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Pleasant day around Holdens Farm, 2 pair of lapwings behind farm, single snipe on moor field behind farm and the nicest sight a pair of English partridges in front of the farm.


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3 Crossbill in Wilderswood late afternoon near the clearing.


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A single Golden Plover singing on the moor north of the mast just over in Lancs this afternoon.


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From Georges Lane, 07:30 to 09:15 today:

Single Crossbill N
15 Skylark NNE

Info thanks to Andy Makin


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